lower back pain

lower back pain


daily life

MAYBE I'm older than most of you readers (probably: I'm 43)....

MAYBE it's my lifestyle...I've been working hard since I was 16 (I was still attending school when I started to work, helping my parents: back then, they ran a snack bar/cafeteria/ice cream shop open from 6 a.m. to midnight).

BUT....my lower back pain doesn't give me respite.

I don't want to take painkillers and drugs, or have surgery...I try to tackle the muscle pain and the stiffness by doing some yoga everyday.

But I have to be careful: I can't skip warming up and I have to avoid intense workouts to spare my ligaments, tendons, joints, spinal bones from severe damage.

So, as I've just finished my daily English "homework", I say goodbye to all of you, and I dedicate myself a bit to my gentle gym, just half an hour, before figuring out what to make for dinner.

See you!!!