
Bota's avatar'

speaks: Russian

learns: English

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Just A Random Funny (I Think?) Story

Hello, everyone! I am finally back on Journaly and very excited to be honest. Last couple of months were quite difficult because I had a pretty tight schedule on my job. Not only was I pretty
Mar 21 - 1 min. read

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I ruined my morning routine

So... I actually read a new chapter of Attack on Titan instead of doing my morning English studying. I feel regret because I was trying to do some language learning on a daily basis during the last
Feb 9 - 1 min. read

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An Unexpected Insight About Myself

This is my first post in here after a week of absence. I wasn't too busy, although I have had a pretty tight schedule. I was rather disorganised and tired than overworked, I must admit. Now I feel
Jan 21 - 1 min. read

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About The New Sufjan Stevens' Album

After watching the movie "Call Me By Your Name", which became one of my favourite, I open for myself Sufjan Stevens' music. His songs become something that warmed me in any situations. After some time I came across his n
Jan 7 - 1 min. read

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Does the balance exist? (Just my random thoughts)

My biggest problem for today - I have realised that I am unable to make my job tasks, hobbies and the other activities on time.Actually, this is a main source of my frustration.Or maybe I just need to accept the fact tha
Jan 5 - 1 min. read

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The show that makes me love "Star Wars" franchise again.

I am a big fan of "Star Wars" movies since I was 14. The Jedi knights and the Far Away Galaxy were zest my imagination and I was absolutely adored by Luke and Lea. These movies did a lot in my character building, I can s
Jan 4 - 1 min. read

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About "Normal People"

When we start reading a book, watching a show or a movie, we cannot help but wondering if the thing, which we are going to consume, will meet our expectations. I am not certain if this is something good or bad, but I try
Jan 3 - 1 min. read

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Why reading is such a pleasure.

Yesterday I realised something that hadn't come to my mind for a very long time. It happened when I started to read Stephen King's novel called 'The Stand', which was given to me by my Secret Santa from work. The fact th
Jan 1 - 1 min. read

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