Just A Random Funny (I Think?) Story

Just A Random Funny (I Think?) Story


daily life

Hello, everyone! I am finally back on Journaly and very excited to be honest.

Last couple of months were quite difficult because I had a pretty tight schedule on my job. Not only was I pretty exhausted but also I experienced some kind of slump in every parts of my life. I am not certain what is changed but today I feel refreshed. It is the reason of me writing a diary entry again.

Today on our Speaking Club we discussed extremely interesting topic about the power of habits. One interesting memory was recalled during the conversation. The thing is that few years ago I tried to build a habit of going to gym. This intention of mine was related to my health. I was (and actually I am) really skinny and weak, and the exercises could be quite harsh to me. My couch always used to tell me that I need to eat something with sugar immediately after finishing our trainings, for example sweets or [iece of chocolate. I do not know if it was the right thing to do, but I could've felt dizzy If I didn't follow his advice.