About "Normal People"

About "Normal People"



When we start reading a book, watching a show or a movie, we cannot help but wondering if the thing, which we are going to consume, will meet our expectations. I am not certain if this is something good or bad, but I try to build my own attitude toward things and to not relate it to other factors. It other words, basing my judgement on my own thoughts and feelings. Not always successfully, though. But I read a book not so long ago and my expectations about it were pretty low. This fact was a reason why I ended up enjoying that novel very much.

The novel I am talking about is called "Normal People" by Sally Pooney. It was definitely overhyped. There were plenty of different reviews and posts about it, when the book was just published. The critics were enamoured by the Rooney's work. Unlike the readers, who seemed to be quite disappointed after experts' reviews.

Moreover, some of my acquaintances found the book overrated. It was so funny when I realised that I like it. I am not sure how to describe my feelings, but reading this novel was like a relief. I felt like I am floating through the words, such a good condition.

Finally, now I believe that there hardly exist an object of art that is 100 % bad or good. It is all up to your point of view and personality.