Economic issues and other troubles

Economic issues and other troubles


daily life

Recently I've been busy with some paperwork I had to send to my tax accountant because she did something wrong with my 2019 tax return. I'm quite angry with her.

I'm over 40 and, for the first 3 decades of my life I'd never been rich nor poor; but, for the last 10 years I've been struggling to make ends meet due to certain working and sentimental choices.

One and a half year ago I had to change my job and leave the bar I ran with my husband because we were accumulating too much debts. In the new job I'm an employee and I receive my paycheck regularly, so I put a repayment plan in place and, little by little, I'm getting back to an acceptable status.

But problems, setbacks and abrupt changes (coronavirus included) never end.

My husband seems to be a person who can live on the edge. Sometimes he can easily splurge even in dramatic situations. He seems to be at ease with his credit cards maxed out, because he thinks that he deserves some treats (because of his hard work) and he thinks his situation wouldn't change significantly even if he saved as much money as possible.

The truth is that he is quite depressed and overwhelmed. He is 50, he left his parents' house when he was 17 to join the Navy, he left the Navy for love but it didn't work, he used to work and live in different places throughout his life, he got married and then divorced, he raised a dauther (she's 18 now), he lost an important job in 2009 because his company branch shut down, and other events I can't write about.

I try to give him warmth and love and I think he is a resilient person, after all...but sometimes he has very pessimistic thoughts, he can't sleep, he abuses alcohol and cigarettes. I think he would have more resources if he could be more flexible and open-minded in some fields, and more realistic and grounded in others. On the other hand, I think he couldn't have prevented many situations and I can't blame him.

I know I'm entering a deep level, because I see contradictions in his personality and in my judgement too, and I'd rather stop here.

Thank you for correcting me.