
speaks: Hungarian

learns: English, Italian

likes: travel, fiction, non-fiction, creativity, comedy, daily life, nature, tv shows, memories, tv series

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Social media is an aesthetic cage

Social "madia" (typo, unintentional pun) changes the way we see our lives.* I romanticize my life when I drink my French vanilla infused coffee on weekend mornings (bought most of the time when
May 5 - 1 min. read

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Summer Me

I find the concept of Summer Me rather fascinating. I have a Summer Me. Actually, I have a June Me, a July Me, and—you've guessed right—an August Me. The weather is to praise or blame. June is the
Aug 10 - 1 min. read

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Libby Has Finally Arrived

Libby's finally arrived in Hungary, however it's called CloudLibrary here. Of course, they're different apps. For some years now, I've kept hearing about Libby mainly on booktube. It's an ebook app
Aug 4 - 1 min. read

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A New Summer Tradition ?

N.B. I've been always confused whether 'tradition' can be used with 'new' or not. Thumbnail: Last summer I wrote a post about reading Murder
Jul 4 - 1 min. read

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Letture speciali

Letture speciali Diario delle letture Ho comminciato leggere un libro inglese per migliorare il mio inglese e anche per piacere. A Hundred Years to Arras di Jason Cobley è una storia della Prima
Apr 7 - 1 min. read

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Come uso Pinterest

Non sono appassionato di social media, ma ho un debole per Pinterest. Creo i moodboard per ogni romanzi e series che mi piacciono. Penso che sia un abitudine stimolante. Mi fa venir voglia di leggere
Mar 3 - 1 min. read

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Io amo nuotare. Mi sento libera e forte nel aqua. Sono state al mare a qualche volta e quando sono nel aqua mi piace immaginare essere nel mare di nuovo. Febbraio è gelida ma primavera è alle porte.
Feb 5 - 1 min. read

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Reading log - Shark Heart (1/5)

SPOILERS! I wouldn't be reading Shark Heart by Emily Habeck if it weren't in the original English. I appreciate the language practice a tad bit more than the story. Shark Heart is a magical realism
Feb 4 - 1 min. read

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I am going to read a weird novel

No spoilers, please! TW: terminal illness This year I'm planning to curb my book-related spending. Believe me, it's not a resolution,* it's a must. In Hungary, books became extremely pricey last
Jan 14 - 1 min. read

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I had a "magical" problem

I try to explain this through pictures. I wagered I knew what magical realism meant, sort of, without giving an exact definition. For me, "magical realism" meant a realistic story containing scenes
Jan 14 - 1 min. read

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Miss Fisher in Williamstown

I owe you all a confession, I've been missing Phryne. You know, that sassy Private Lady Detective from 1920s Melbourne. The Hungarian TV aired the last episode of series 3 of Miss Fisher's Murder
Aug 19 - 2 min. read

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Small Town Murder

I've found the victim. OK, it's a fly. But nature can be so cruel. And effective.   It was really a David and Goliath matter. And our spider did take the matter into its paws. No, they are called
Aug 12 - 1 min. read

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Tell me how this man became a hero

Jun 18 - 1 min. read

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11 aprile

Oggi è il Giorno della Poesia Ungherese. L'11 aprile era il compleanno del poeta Attila József. C'è una scrittrice italiana che ha tradotto le sue poesie. Edith Bruck ha cresuto in Romania come
Apr 11 - 1 min. read

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I myself am good-fortune *

(An Anne with an E fanfiction for word-lovers) Prissy's diary entry on her almost-wedding day: . . . As I darted throught the boundless ocean of pristine snow, the only sound I could hear was my
Apr 8 - 1 min. read

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The Lying Life of Adults

No spoilers (please.) I started reading Elena Ferrante's La vita bugiarda degli adulti as soon as it was published, I sort of preordered it, strangely from Germany, not Italy. But the original
Feb 12 - 1 min. read

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Ho abbandonato il bullet journal

Ho abbandonato il bullet journal e scelto una altra sistema piú semplice per pianificare, ricordare le mie pensieri. Ho abbandonato molti i miei progetti, perché non ho molto tempo libero. La vita
Feb 12 - 1 min. read

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Jealousy, part 2

Eventually a gull betrayed me, Pierre followed its shriek with his gaze and discovered me "hiding" near the cave entrance. We strolled back together along the shore to the villa, Pierre went on and
Jan 5 - 1 min. read

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Black would be unbearable

.A summer story My elderly neighbour is a sporty person. Summer or winter I can spot him on one of his bike rounds. The sweltering summer days can't hold him back and he conquers the ruts during the
Jan 4 - 1 min. read

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It seemed like a safe place to hide, at least for now. The tide lapped gently at my feet, I shuffled even further into the cave to ensure that I was completely obscured from view. Anyways I was too
Jan 4 - 1 min. read

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