The Rhythm of Winter

The Rhythm of Winter


daily life

Summer weather is My Roman Empire; the nature in winter can also function as my glimmer though. Fog has descended upon us and everything is covered in rime today.* It is breathtaking. The cold in itself is almost breathtaking as well.


I have just stumbled upon this quote searching for some wintery aesthetic pics.

It is more than a week that true winter started for real, you can feel it in the air. Yesteday I put up a new bird feeder, it will take a couple of days for word (or cheep) to be spread among our feathered friends and they will start to frequent the free food source. It is one of my main hopefuls anyways.

I have some more "nailbitingly exciting" winter hopefuls to share with you. My thriller subscription book box 🕵‍♀️ is going to arrive in mid-January to help me beat the January blues. Oh, gosh, how I hate the January blues! I genuinely take these transitory periods badly, like late summer turning to autumn, but the January blues beat them all.

Thinking about my subscription box will help me to save money. E.g. I do not want to spent on unnecessary items, because I know I am going to spend on the box, which will add something to my life for real. (The publishing dates are fixed, but you pay only before posting. Of course, you could cancel if you wish.) Yes, saving money from January, how original, is among my new year hopefuls, just drop the infamous "resolution." And this year I mean it. The money thing, not the vocab thing. Eventually, I will tap into the January winter vibes, I promise.


I chose this as my thumbnail. I appreciate the mediterranian orangy hue; the berries look like tiny clementines.

*When I wanted to hunt for Pinterest photos I tried "rime aesthetic," but as Pinterest is "trained" for considering typos, it took it as "Rome aesthetic" 🤣. Even Pinterest wants summer . . .