
roppi's avatar'


learns: English

roppi's avatar'

I just moved from Lang-8. I work part time at Haneda airport. You may see me in the arrival lobby.

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Birthday 誕生日

I have two more days to my birthday. 誕生日まであと2日だ。 When my mother gave birth to me 58 years ago, she saw cherry blossoms blooming through the hospital's window. 58年前に母が私を産んだ時、母は病院の窓から満開の桜を見た。 She
Apr 4 - 1 min. read

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Variety Show バラエティー番組

I watched a variety show televised at noon. 先日お昼にバラエティー番組を見た。 I don't like this kind of programs because they always cover boring topics, such as introducing newly opened entertainment facilities and
Mar 27 - 1 min. read

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Gift-giving Custom 贈り物の習慣

My online English tutor and I talked about gifts. オンラインの英語の先生と贈り物の話をした。 There is a question, "What would you give to your friend's children?" 「友人の子供に何を贈りますか?」という質問があった。 I answered as below.
Mar 22 - 1 min. read

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I Have to Check Guests' Name  お客様の名前をチェックしなくてはいけない

I work at an airport. 空港で働いている。 I welcome many guests who are going to a pier to get on a cruise ship. クルーズに乗るために桟橋へ行く多くの客を迎える。 When I gather enough people, I help them get on the bus to the pier.
Mar 15 - 1 min. read

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The Man Is on The Wanted List その男性は指名手配されている

A man set up a company allowing customers sharing expensive watches. ある男性が高級腕時計を共有する会社を立ち上げた。 The company played a mediator for people who rent out their expensive watches, and people who rent them.
Mar 10 - 1 min. read

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Magazine's Freebies 雑誌の付録

When I was a child, I was really looking forward to buying a monthly comic magazine. 子供の頃、月刊の漫画本を買うのが楽しみだった。 There were different stories in one magazine, and most of them were not one-shot, which
Mar 9 - 1 min. read

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I Saw a Man Lying on the Ground 男性が床に倒れているのを見た

I work at an airport. Yesterday, an alarm went off. It was from a restaurant. I saw a security staff rushing into the restaurant carrying AED. I glanced at a man lying on the floor. He looked like a
Mar 4 - 1 min. read

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I Still Don't Know How to Use This Site

I'm a newbie on this site. I have received comments and correction. I'm grateful to them, but I don't know how to respond to them. Is there any button? Also, when I clicked "New Post", my previous
Mar 2 - 1 min. read

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Since this is my first post, I'm a bit nervous. Today, I saw a long line in front of MacDonald, but I didn't know why. I found out that the line was for buying a kid's meal comes with a toy. The
Mar 1 - 1 min. read

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