When I was a child, I was really looking forward to buying a monthly comic magazine.
There were different stories in one magazine, and most of them were not one-shot, which encouraged children to buy the next magazine.
It was fun to fantasize about what would happen to my favorite characters.
In addition, there were freebies with magazines.
These freebies were between pages, so the magazine was tied with a string.
The magazine advertised the next month's freebie.
It fueled my expectation, but in reality it had a poor quality.
Headline image by introspectivedsgn on Unsplash
Hi Roppi! I don't read Japanese, but I like your idea of showing both languages. Great English, by the way!
Thank you @CocoPop. I thought it would be nice for people who study Japanese.
Thank you for your thorough correction!
You're very welcome. I think it's important to implement corrections in your post. The physical act of making corrections cements the concept in your mind and helps you assimilate it more readily. And there's something to be said for ending up with a clean, idiomatic post when you're done. Your original words won't disappear — you'll still be able to reference them by clicking on the blue highlight and your original words will be at the top of the box that opens.