
Mars's avatar'


learns: English, Spanish

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Tú, el aire que respiro en un instante, tú, que rechazas las nubes salvo la blanca, tu mente llena de ecos del viento que rebota, no me deja atravesar en su silencio. Tu cuerpo carece del coraje para
Sep 4 - 1 min. read

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Hay algo que decir sobre el amor en mi mirada, buscando por ti en cada rincón de la sala, perdido en tu enigma, te escondes de mi vista, sin querer ser hallado, mientras tus brazos se abren a los que
Sep 1 - 1 min. read

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Como un maletín de asas gastadas que marcan mi mano y desgarran la piel de mis dedos. El cuero aún cálido y rasgado, y lo que yace dentro me es desconocido, y todavía no puedo abrirlo. "Mejor me voy
Aug 22 - 1 min. read

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La narradora

He recibido cumplidos sobre cómo leo los libros. Quizás podría convertirme en narradora, jajaja. Recientemente, una desconocida me escuchó leyendo y me invitó a un club de lectura. Hoy incluso me
Aug 3 - 1 min. read

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Como el viento que fluye

La historia terminó antes de empezar. Te pareces a la luna, Iluminando el cielo nocturno. Pero tu luz se está convirtiendo Ensombrecida por mi oscuridad; Te estrangulé. Como el viento suave, No podré
Mar 5 - 1 min. read

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La niña y el pájaro

No creo que esto sea un poema. Tal vez sólo un fragmento de escritura. La niña que crece dentro de mí, Buscando algo que no podía encontrar en ningún otro sitio. La maté muchas veces, Pero ella se
Mar 2 - 1 min. read

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Polaris 101

Este es mi segundo intento de escribir un poema en español. Si decides abrir la puerta y en un viaje, descubrir los secretos ocultos de tu paisaje. Llévame contigo, descansaré mi ser, Haré té y
Feb 19 - 1 min. read

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No sé qué título ponerle

Por alguna razón, mi corazón ha estado doliendo cada vez que abro Journaly. Por alguna razón, me duele el corazón/alma cada vez que abro Journaly Pero estoy aquí tratando de recibir comentarios sobre
Feb 6 - 1 min. read

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The Tree and Friends in the New Year

Related post Grief can truly seem never-ending, like the infinite loop of the number 8, and everyone deals with it in their own way. Ever since the bird left my forest, I genuinely carry its
Jan 4 - 1 min. read

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The Tree and The Bird

In a year of losses, I never imagined facing goodbyes three times within the same months. I had to bid farewell to a bird craving freedom and a tree returning to the earth. One found solace in the
Dec 31 - 1 min. read

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The Universe

"Would you say, you have more sun or moon energy?" he asks. She turns to him, somewhat startled, and replies, "Do you mean like in astrology?" He chuckles and explains, "No, it's more like a
Jul 22 - 1 min. read

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Things I found out

Guess what? I randomly picked up a book called In A Groove to read a few weeks ago. But honestly, I've quickly lost interest. Not because the book was boring or what, it was just because you know I
Jul 9 - 1 min. read

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Dream Log

Disclaimer: I know this was just a dream, but I apologize if this writing contains sensitive topics related to ethnicity, race, or other sensitive topics. It's beyond my control. This post is only
Jul 8 - 1 min. read

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Is it possible to not have any expectations for anything? I think it's nearly impossible to have absolutely no expectations in every aspect of life. It's human nature, we have desires, preferences,
Jun 16 - 1 min. read

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My sleep schedule has been a complete disaster over the past few years. I only manage to get a short amount of sleep, like for 3-5 hours and sometimes I don't sleep at all. I thought things were
Jun 14 - 1 min. read

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Another Dream Log

I dreamed that something shook the Earth. The earth was shifting or tilting, but I don't think it was the end of the world. It was just like a phenomenon or something, like an earthquake but not. So,
Jun 4 - 2 min. read

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A lower-middle-class family just moved to a new house, but then weird things started going down. One night, the father was dragged to the floor and the skin on his legs was ripped off. Another night,
May 12 - 1 min. read

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Small Acts of Kindness

I stumbled upon this heartwarming video on Twitter the other day. It showed this adorable little girl sitting all by herself at some kind of graduation ceremony and then this lady walks past her and
Apr 11 - 2 min. read

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Dialogue 7

A: "Hey, what gives? You seem a bit annoyed." B: "Yeah, I just got off the phone with my client for so long. They postponed the deadline yet again." A: "That's frustrating. Have you given any thought
Feb 9 - 1 min. read

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Dialogue 3

A: "Hey, Have you been reading anything interesting lately?" B: "Yes, actually I just started reading romance novels. I never really read them before, but I saw one in a bookstore and decided to give
Jan 25 - 1 min. read

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