
Mia22's avatar'

speaks: Slovak

learns: English, German, Spanish, Czech

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Productive May with German

Hello everybody! How are you doing? I have to say I am pretty well. Especialy about my German. I decided to have really really productive May and it is pretty succesful. Let me share my experiences.
May 18 - 1 min. read

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Mein Zimmer

Hallo Leute! Heute will ich über mein Zimmer schreiben. Mein Zimmer ist groß. Es hat die Farbe rot. Ich habe ein Kleiderschrank für meine Kleide. Dann hatte ich ein Tisch, wo verbringe ich Zeit mit
Apr 29 - 1 min. read

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Meine lieblings Kleidung

Hallo alle! Heute will ich schreibe um meine lieblings Kleidung. Ich mag rot Farbe, so dass habe viele rot T-shirts. Und ich mag rosa also. Wenn ist heiß draußen, ich trage das Kleidung. Sie sind
Apr 22 - 1 min. read

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Die Lesung im Deutsch

Hallo liebe Leute! Wie geht es dir? Ich hoffe ihr sind alles okay. Ich muss sagen, ich bin krank aber, Ich fuhle besser 😊😊. Aber ich will schreibe um mein lesung im Deutsch. Ich lese meine
Apr 15 - 1 min. read

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I am back

Hello everybody and happy weekend! I have to say I am back. I am back with studying German. I took a pause for whole august and now I am enjoying it so so much. Like seriously I love it!!☺☺ Today
Sep 10 - 1 min. read

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Der Sommer

Hallo Liebe Leute! Der Sommer ist hier endlich. Ich liebe warm Wetter. Meine Lieblingsessen in Sommer ist Teigwarensalat. Es ist kalt und erfrischend. Was ist deine Lieblingsessen in Sommer? Was
Jul 3 - 1 min. read

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New week - new oportunities

Hello everybody and welcome in the new week! I am so excited, it is Monday and I have so much ideas what to do this week. Last week I spent with German eleven hours which is for me absolutely
May 9 - 1 min. read

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I do not have motivation to language learning

Hi everyone! How are you doing? Do you know that feeling, when you have to study language for your certificate or test and you feel completely unmotivated? Now I feel like English is the worst thing
May 4 - 1 min. read

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Hallo 2

Hallo Leute! Was macht ihr heute? Ich habe heute sehr gut Tag. Ich lerne neue Vokabeln im Deutsch. Ich benutze flashcards. Ich liebe diese Methode so sehr. Es ist sehr Spaß. Ich höre mein lieblings
Apr 29 - 1 min. read

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I do not have time for languages!

I do not have time for language learning. How often do you say this? But it is really true? I am sure it is not. All of us are busy. Full time job, school, free time activities, family, friends etc..
Apr 18 - 1 min. read

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Hallo liebe Leute! Hier ist meine erste Beitrag. Ich heiße Marcela und ich bin zweiundzwandzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Slovakei. Ich habe ein Bruder. Er ist dreiunddreißig Jahre alt. Ich habe also
Apr 11 - 1 min. read

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Christmas time is coming

Hello, hello! Well so as I promised in my last post, this post won't be about languages. I wanted to share with all of you my thoughts about Christmas time. A lot of people during the Christmas
Nov 30 - 1 min. read

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Exam preparation

Hello everyone and happy Sunday! In this post I would like to share my thoughts about my exam for C1 English certificate and what I will do for it. So to be honest I am scared of it like seriously
Nov 28 - 2 min. read

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Cold showers

Hiii everyone happy Tuesday! Even it is a little bit late right now and I feel super tired, I want to share my experience with cold showers. And it is a little bit more interesting exprerience
Nov 23 - 1 min. read

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My study habits

Happy Sunday everyone! How was your week? My was quite busy, because I will take my exam for C1 in English language!! I still can't believe it! But in this post I want to talk about my daily
Nov 21 - 1 min. read

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My wonderful life with languages

Hi everyone! I am so glad that I am finally here to write my first post in english. Just a few sentences about me: My name is Mia and I am 22 y.o. and my big passion is language learning.
Nov 15 - 1 min. read

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