My study habits

My study habits


language learning
daily life

Happy Sunday everyone!

How was your week? My was quite busy, because I will take my exam for C1 in English language!! I still can't believe it!

But in this post I want to talk about my daily routine with English language.

I wake up every morning at 8:00 o'clock and before I start the day, I read a book in English for at least 20 minutes.

Then I go to the kitchen to make my lovely cup of coffee. And with coffee I go to my room, grab my book for English grammar and study theory about grammar and do a lot of exercises. It tooks me about three hours. Then it is time for lunch and take a pause from learning. Very often I watch a serial, while I am eating my lunch.

After lunch I take a nap or go for a walk. In the afternoon is time for listening while I am doing some household chorses.

In the evening I get back to grammar to repeat things from morning. Before the bed I read a few more pages from my book and then go to sleep.

So this is my briefly language learning routine.

Wish you all happy sunday and good luck with language learning.