Christmas time is coming

Christmas time is coming


daily life

Hello, hello!

Well so as I promised in my last post, this post won't be about languages. I wanted to share with all of you my thoughts about Christmas time.

A lot of people during the Christmas are in hurry because of presents, because they want to have like the most expensive things for their children, family members etc... But why??

In my opinion Christmas time is about family. About time which we spend together. It is about small things, cozy time when we watch Christmas fairytales in TV, we eat all that tasty food and so on.

So just slow down, take things easy and remember that Christmas are much much more than a lot of expensive presents. It is about people, about our families. Let's be kind to others, let's appreciate small things.

Maybe I am too sentimental but this are my thoughts about it.

Okay, that is all wish you all happy Tuesday.
