
speaks: Japanese

learns: English

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The shelf in the K's room

K's room in Nagano. She always takes time to have fun with his second son who has a passionate interest in creatures. The daily life she talks to me about is packed with discovers and surprises in
Nov 17 - 1 min. read

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The Bird on Fallen Leaves

Fallen leaves are beautifully colored. It seems to hear even the sounds that a bird quietly sits down there.
Nov 17 - 1 min. read

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Interior and Art

This picture is the Mr. and Mrs. M’s bathroom, living in central Tokyo. When you take a closer look at the picture, you can realize its exquisite lines which make the form, even though the form
Nov 10 - 1 min. read

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The first medical check-up with my baby

The other day, I went to a hospital for a medical check-up for a baby and mother. (In Japan, it’s almost an obligation for new mothers) I was so nervous because it was the first time I went out with
Apr 1 - 1 min. read

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My job

My job is running an art gallery. I'm so-called a gallerist or an art dealer. My favorite part of my job is sharing the fun or the joy of artwork with someone. Art pieces that our gallery deals with
Mar 25 - 1 min. read

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A two-month-old baby

Since our baby has born, our life has changed. She is two-month-old and her neck isn't still stable yet. I'm always surprised to see her sucking my breasts powerfully. I didn't know newborn babies
Mar 19 - 1 min. read

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Marriage Story

One of my favorite movies is “Marriage Story” which Scarlett Johansson and Adam Driver star in. I watched it via Netflix last year. The story is about the marriage and divorce of a young couple who
Mar 16 - 1 min. read

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I have poor eyesight. I have worn glasses or contact lenses since I was eleven years old. It’s hereditary in our family. My husband has a very good eyesight. But now he is suffering from presbyopia,
Feb 28 - 1 min. read

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Plastic bags

Since last July, the Japanese government has begun to oblige(make) retailers to charge shoppers for plastic bags at the checkout. At last, yes, that was finally done in Japan as well. As a consumer,
Feb 24 - 1 min. read

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I like cooking, even though I can't do it that efficiently. Eating is a enjoyable part of life, so I value cooking itself as well. In addition, food gives us good opportunities which can build and
Feb 23 - 1 min. read

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Warm day at the end of winter

It was a very warm day in Tokyo today. It feels like April. Everywhere I saw people wearing various types of clothes on the same day; T-shirts, down coats or leather jackets (one of them was me).
Feb 22 - 1 min. read

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Spring Water

I'm in the park close to my home. I listen to a kid shouts "Hey, the water here is super clean because it's spring water!" There are some children playing in the artificial river in the park. They
Feb 21 - 1 min. read

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Joy of Art

This is my first post on Journaly. I wrote this one on the Shinkansen. Next to me, my husband is sleeping with a face mask after he drank a glass of beer. Now we're on our way home to Tokyo from Ueda
Feb 20 - 1 min. read

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