The first medical check-up with my baby

The first medical check-up with my baby



The other day, I went to a hospital for a medical check-up for a baby and mother.

(In Japan, it’s almost an obligation for new mothers)

I was so nervous because it was the first time I went out with my baby after giving birth.

I worried about tons of things about my daughter.

What if my baby is sick or she has some problem?

What if she wets herself?

What if she starts to cry with a loud voice?

Isn’t she cold?

Looking back on it now, I almost panicked.

That day, a check-up for the baby was the first.

Her check-up finished smoothly.

Fortunately, she had no problem. I was so relieved to hear that.

Next, it was my turn.

First of all, I had to take a urine test.

A nurse gave me a paper cup and I entered the restroom to take a urine sample.

And several minutes later, when I came out of the restroom, I realized that I had finished the toilet as usual with relief. I completely forgot about my examination.

It was funny, but I was relieved to hear my baby was safe.

Everything about my daughter was everything of the day for me.

I ended up waiting for a long time until I wanted to go to the bathroom next time.