My job

My job



My job is running an art gallery. I'm so-called a gallerist or an art dealer. My favorite part of my job is sharing the fun or the joy of artwork with someone. Art pieces that our gallery deals with are the ones I chose basically. When someone loves the one, I would be very happy. When someone is not interested in the one at all, I would be sad.

Finding a good artist is the key part of my job. That looks a very simple thing if it is based on kind of my intuition or my preference, but our long journey starts from this point. We have several ways to promote an artist or an artwork; exhibition, website, social media, catalogs, etc.

One of my goals is selling it to someone, moreover raising someone to become an art collector. Art pieces are not only for just seeing but also for possessing. That could make your life more colorful. Stimulating the desire to possess things for art lovers or art collectors is the important part of my job. That is also the most challenging. It's tough to present unknown artists, but it's exciting and rewarding.