Star Wars Is a One-Way Trip

Star Wars Is a One-Way Trip



I just saw a Tik Tok video on Twitter that looks like an extract from an interview with Harrison Ford a few years ago. I assume the interview is coming to an end, and the host is asking Ford whether he would mind taking some questions from the audience. It's OK, says Ford, looking rather awkward, but, you know... not about Star Wars.

It's pretty funny, take a look at it yourselves:

I have to admit Star Wars never was my cup of tea, so I find it rather baffling it still arouses so much admiration after so many decades. However, do you know some Star Wars buff ardent enough as to indulge in cosplay, like the people in the video above?

After a second thought, I just can't dismiss the idea that the whole thing was contrived. This reminds me of an old episode in Saturday Night Live I caught a glimpse of on the internet years ago. There, William Shatner was to meet a bunch of Star Trek fans; at first he goes with the flow and kindly answers their questions, but after a few minutes they get on his nerves and he gets rather nasty. This scene was surely made up.

By the way, it seems Star Wars was featured in the USSR back then, can you believe it? I came across the Soviet poster (picture above) long ago, and found it interesting how they rendered it in a wholly different style.