The Simple Past And The Present Perfect

The Simple Past And The Present Perfect


language learning

If you're an English learner and struggling with the present perfect, I recommend that you read the comments of my previous post. In both General and Outdated, @Simone- and @CocoPop are having an interesting conversation about this topic.

After reading Uly's explanation, I've come to think that the present perfect includes not only the actuality of time, but also some possibilities and ambiguities.

Recently, I overheard that saying "I've met him/her." implies that he/she is still alive. If the person has already passed away, you say "I met him/her.", allegedly. Is this correct? I guess this is because if the person is alive, it's still possible to meet him/her in the future.

I think the same would be true if the subject of the sentence were the deceased. For example, talking about my late mother, I should say "She never went abroad." rather than "She hasn't been abroad."

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Headline image by henniestander on Unsplash