A Hidden Scenic Site: Part 2

A Hidden Scenic Site: Part 2



Part1 is here.

I heard that the hidden route will be open to tourists this summer and the website for it has already been launched. Here's the link.


I might go there, so I myself don't see much of this website avoiding spoiler. According to my friends, it's quite intense. You have to go through a very dark, narrow tunnel riding on steep trains and vertical shafts before you get the panoramic view, and that scares me a little. Furthermore, the website states that the opening date was postponed due to the New Year's Day earthquake, but it doesn't go into detail about what happened. I don't even want to imagine what would happen if an earthquake struck while tourists were in the tunnel.

By the way, Kyoka Izumi, the Japanese writer I mentioned in this post, spent a few years in Toyama where he wrote the fantasy novel Black Lily, which is set in Tateyama. He described it as an unexplored location like the deep sea. Actually, it's been considered a sacred place, and only spiritual practitioners were permitted to climb up in the distant past.

I'm not religious, but I always try to be humble before nature, so I'm not sure if the idea of exploiting it as a tourist attraction is a good one. However, sooner or later, my curiosity will probably get the better of me and I may find myself heading there, too.