EXCITING Journaly Updates!

EXCITING Journaly Updates!


journaly updates

Hello everyone! I'm ecstatic to share lots of very exciting updates to the Journaly platform with you all. There will be an accompanying YouTube video in the coming days, but I wanted to share it more personally here on the platform first :)

Table of Contents

  1. HUGE changes to Journaly Premium pricing
  2. Major progress with bugs in the Journaly Editor
  3. New Features & Improvements
  4. Conclusion

1. Huge Changes To Journaly Premium Pricing!

Ever since I first had the idea for building Journaly, a huge emphasis has always been on not running it like a typical business where the focus is on maximising profit above all else. As I've always said, my goal is to support free and accessible language learning as much as possible, and so I have made all of Journaly's core educational and community-building features free for everyone, against the advice of... well, basically every entrepreneur I know, and I've never regretted it.

I've been working on Journaly for almost four years now and have literally spent many thousands of hours on the project. A little over a year ago, my dear friend Ryan joined the team and has since invested an enormous amount of his own time, as well as tremendous skill, experience, and camaraderie – all of which I can say has been invaluable. All in all, from an engineering perspective Journaly has already grown to be a pretty huge, complex, and diverse project and while it has been incredibly challenging, I can genuinely say that it has been an absolute joy.

With that being said, this is a completely self-funded, advertisement-free project that's been built primarily by two developers, and does cost money to run. So, in order to achieve our goal of providing our core educational and community-building features to everyone for free and making our absolute best contribution to accessible language learning, we created Journaly Premium to deliver tons of additional value to the Journaly experience and to allow us to simply pay the bills – maybe one day even earning a modest income, too ❤️ We feel like while there is still so much work to be done, we're finally at a place where we can start working towards Journaly at least reliably paying its own bills.

With all that in mind, the goal is not to find the absolute highest price people are willing to pay and maximise profits. It is simply to find a price that people feel genuinely happy with – we just didn't know what that price was. So we created a survey and asked lots of our most active users for their honest thoughts. You spoke and we listened 😊

That's why I'm excited to announce a brand new pricing model, which drops the price considerably and introduces a student discount! 🎉




£3.50/month! (£42)

Annually - Student Discount

£1.25/month (£15)

* To access the student discount, simply change your Journaly email address to a valid student email address, or write to hello@journaly.com if you need support :)

2. Major progress with bugs in the Journaly Editor

Building a Rich Text Editor is an incredibly complex and challenging task, and while I'm very happy with the Journaly Editor which has worked perfectly for a lot of you, there have also been lots of challenges that have impacted some of you a lot. Unfortunately, these bugs were actually nothing to do with our code – they resided deep within the code of a library we use to build the editor and even for them, things such as Android support and IME are hugely complex issues to solve. So it has brought me a lot of pain to see some of you unable to write on your Android devices or in languages that use accented characters or some scripts that use character composition.

I am VERY happy to announce that there has been massive progress and improvement to this situation! There are still a couple of smaller bugs that occur on some devices or browsers, but it is now greatly improved and should at least be usable for a lot of you who experienced problems. If anyone continues to have issues, please report them to us with details about your device, browser, and keyboard, and we'll continue monitoring things. I will also now be actively trying my best to contribute to the open-source codebase of the underlying framework to see if I can push remaining bug fixes through, but this will not be easy.

3. 🎈 New Features & Improvements

WOW - so many new things in the last month or two. Many things are behind the scenes, but here are the user-facing ones!


  • "Native" Badges In Comments: One thing we learned from our survey is that many people care a lot about knowing whether or not the person leaving feedback is a native speaker. So we made a simple little "native" badge that appears at the top of a Journaler's avatar if they are a native speaker of the post being commented on!
  • Advanced Filters: We saved lots of space at the top of the My Feed page by putting most of the filters in this menu, and we've also added lots of new very helpful filters! One of my favourites is needs feedback, which allows you to only see posts without feedback in a single click!
  • Markdown Support In Comments: You can now format your comments beautifully.
  • User Interests: You can finally add your own interests to your profile from the settings page.
  • Profile Page Improvements: We fixed some tricky layout problems on those gorgeous profile pages, and you can now also follow Journalers directly from their profile.
  • My Feed Page Improvements: Journaly now greets you in one of the languages you're learning each time you go to the My Feed page. Also, after publishing a new post, you will see it in the feed immediately and no longer need to refresh the page.
  • Email Address Verification: We finally built out all the infrastructure for email-address verification! Another important step towards making Journaly a mature platform which also opens up the mechanism for offering the student discount 🎉 This impacts all new users and if you change your email address, you'll need to verify it ✅


  • Saved Posts: You can now "save" or "bookmark" posts for later, and then access your list with a new advanced filter action.
  • Publish Posts Privately: Perhaps you're working with a tutor, a friend, or even a romantic partner and don't feel comfortable sharing your posts publicly; or you might even be working on professional documents like a translation or research paper that wouldn't be appropriate to post publicly, but you'd like to use Journaly's correction tools to collect feedback from a colleague. Well, now you can! This feature allows you to generate a private share link that you can give to anyone and you always have the option to publish publicly later.

There is also now a beautiful table that you can find on your subscription page which shows you not only all of our free and premium features side-by-side, but also the very exciting features that are coming soon – and trust me, there are so many good ones 🔥 In addition to what you see there, we are making very good progress with the huge project of building an in-app notifications system which will be done soon, and we'll also be totally revamping the UI and UX of Badges, making it an absolute delight to strive for and reach new milestones on Journaly!

4. Conclusion

Thank you everyone for building such an amazing community here on Journaly. We built the platform, but it truly is all of you who deserve the credit for making it such a delightful, warm, and supportive place to be. It is you who have provided over 200,000 comments to help each each other and build meaningful connections! I also want to thank our moderators – Linda and Emily – and our external code contributors. It blows my mind and warms my heart every single day to see all the activity and engagement. I promise that we are going to be dedicating an enormous amount of time and love in the coming months to continuing to make Journaly the home for writing in foreign languages online.

We absolutely love hearing from you and are all about being transparent and accessible, so please do feel free to join the conversation down below (or even highlight and start a thread!). Also, this was a pretty big release of new stuff and we did our very best to test everything thoroughly, but if you find any issues please don't hesitate to reach out to our customer service team (me 🤣) at hello@journaly.com

Sending big hugs and only the best vibes to everyone, and wishing you all happy language learning 🌎❤️