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speaks: German

learns: French, English

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Fragments #4 – Company

Here's another piece of creative writing that I wrote back in February. It's quite different from the other fragments I wrote so I hesitated to post it and eventually forgot about it altogether, but
Dec 30 - 4 min. read

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My experience taking the Cambridge Advanced English Exam

Earlier this month, I took the CAE (level C1) exam. Let me tell you, I was nervous. I thought maybe someone thinks about taking the same exam and would like to know what to expect, so I'm going to
Dec 28 - 7 min. read

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La seule chose que je changerais dans le monde

Si tu pouvais changer une chose ou un système dans le monde, qu’est-ce que tu changerais et pourquoi ? Pour moi, c’est facile. Je changerais le système scolaire. Regarde le système scolaire d’un pays
Feb 20 - 1 min. read

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Fragments #3 - Spring Day

“Do you ever miss me?” “I told you, I don’t know you.” Calmly, the young woman continued to type on her laptop. She stopped looking up when responding. Maybe he’d go away if she seemed disinterested
Feb 15 - 2 min. read

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Fragments #2 - Freedom

I feel soo motivated to write currently! It’s a great exercise, so I don’t want to overthink it. I just tried to capture a spontaneous idea. I only write for fun, so might as well post it and get
Feb 13 - 3 min. read

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Fragments #1 - One more day

____________________________________________________ Crystal green eyes looking right into my soul with an expression so full of emotions, yet so cold. An image burned deep into my memories. I saw
Feb 12 - 2 min. read

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Une application sous-estimée pour améliorer ses connaissances des langues

Parler avec des natifs n’est pas seulement un moyen très effectif pour pratiquer ses compétences de langue, c’est aussi une possibilité d’avoir des conversations intéressantes et même trouver des
Feb 9 - 3 min. read

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