Fragments #1 - One more day

Fragments #1 - One more day




a small piece or a part, especially when broken from something whole
Literary fragments may comprise:
• works inadvertently left unfinished or never completed by their authors
• surviving extracts of larger works subsequently lost as wholes
• works deliberately constructed as fragmentary pieces


Crystal green eyes looking right into my soul with an expression so full of emotions, yet so cold.

An image burned deep into my memories. I saw her in front of me as I mindlessly stared out of the train window. Trees, trees, more trees … Some distant voices, the vibration of the train … Her. This wasn’t right. I wasn’t supposed to be here. Every last cell of my body wanted to return, to go back to her but it was too late. With 120 mph, I was racing away from her and every tree that passed was another proof for the growing distance. Could I take the next train back? No, by the time I would have arrived, she wouldn’t have been there anymore. It was over.

Crystal green eyes, so lively, yet so dead.

That would be the last time I’d seen them. Knowing that made it so much worse. That should’ve probably been the moment I asked myself if that was what was supposed to happen if it was our destiny to part ways. But I knew that wasn’t true. All these years, I waited for her and now I'm supposed to just let her go? The one person that finally brought sense into my life and made me fall in love with the world around me? If only I could've seen her one more time, talked to her and told her what I felt, what I had always felt. Deep down, I knew exactly that it could've, no it should've ended so differently.

Crystal green eyes. Closing. Turning away. Never looking back.

Words can't describe the pain I felt that day while sitting in that train. The weather was way too good for the situation I found myself in. If my life would've been a film, it would've probably rained, snowed or thundered but the sky was clear except of some small clouds here and there, the sun was shining - it was actually macabre considering the darkness I felt surrounded by. As if nature would make fun of me. I felt betrayed by what I had just started to appreciate. A thousand knifes were stabbing into my heart while my hands were bound and all I could do was watch and submit to the demon that put me into this situation in the first place. One more day and I could've proved her wrong. I could've changed her mind, I could've helped her, held her hand and went through hell with her. She was worth every second of sorrow and suffering. If not her, who else?

Crystal green eyes. Gone. Forever.

And all I needed was one more day with her.