Fragments #2 - Freedom

Fragments #2 - Freedom



I feel soo motivated to write currently! It’s a great exercise, so I don’t want to overthink it. I just tried to capture a spontaneous idea. I only write for fun, so might as well post it and get some feedback, right? So, here’s another fragment (not related to the first one).



I started sprinting as fast as I could. The shine of a flashlight pointing at my back lit up the ground in front of me as I heard a middle-aged man shouting into the dark autumn night. Without much of a plan, I made my way through the long rows of big containers.

Should I have been scared? Probably. But this was my favorite feeling in the world. Adrenalin rushing through my veins as I ran like my life depended on it, the cold wind blowing into my face, the uncertainty of what would happen next. Most people would associate a flight like that with fear and captivity but to me, it was the definition of freedom. In that night as I was running away from the security guard, I was free.

I didn’t know if he followed me but neither did I care. He wouldn’t get me anyway. This wasn’t my first time running away and it wouldn’t be my last time either.

After I had finally reached the fence, I dared to take a glimpse behind me. No security guard in sight. Clearly, he hadn’t given up yet - those guards have always been very persistent - but he must’ve chased one of the others. With a confident leap, I climbed over the fence and continued running, this time a lot slower.

A few minutes later, I found myself in front of an abandoned building. That had been the plan. If we get caught, we run into different directions and wander around until we’re sure that we shook off our pursuers. Then we go to the secret hideout. One last time, I looked around making sure that no one saw me, before I stepped into the dilapidated property. I was the first one to arrive but only moments later, I heard steps and saw two familiar faces enter the room. Some seconds later, another one. We were complete. For a short moment, we just looked at each other still catching our breaths, before we started grinning, then chuckling and finally full-on laughing. We didn’t laugh because something funny happened. We were simply happy. It was the best type of laugh. The type of laugh that you couldn’t hold back, even if you tried. The type of laugh that still makes you chuckle when you think back at it way later. The type of laugh that makes you feel alive. Genuinely alive.

I took off my hood revealing my long hair and the others did so alike.

Four girls. Four best friends. Four sisters.

Exhausted, we let ourselves fall onto the old couch and gazed through the broken window. The sky was crystal clear blessing us with a beautiful starry night. These were the moments I lived for. Surrounded by the people I loved, far from any responsibilities, fresh air in my lungs and the spirit of youth in the air.

This was the freest I’d ever been and the freest I’d ever be.