
Adam6220's avatar'

speaks: Spanish

learns: French, English, German, Russian, Turkish

likes: adventure, friendship, video games, intercultural communication, hobbies, board games

Adam6220's avatar'

Hi! I'm Josué. I love learning languages, that's why I'm here. I hope to speak almost fluently every language I learn. I'm a college student. I'm studying Logistics Management Engineering and I'm also interested in graphic design.

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Jour 1 : La classe d'anglais en samedi

Aujourd'hui, je suis allé à l'université pour ma classe d'anglais "Public Speaking". Je fais beaucoup de sacrifices pour venir à ce cours. J'habite à Choloma, une ville très proche de San Pedro Sula
Jul 20 - 2 min. read

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Büyük bir fikir

Dün akşam, yatağımdayken, kafama büyük bir fikir geldi. Zaman önce, iyi kaynalara ihtiyacım vardı diyerek bir yazı yazmıştım çünkü türkçem geliştirmek istedim. Kafama gelen fikir Youtube'da videolar
Sep 8 - 1 min. read

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The Return

Hi everyone! I have not posted anything within a while. I have been utterly busy with university assignments. I vaguely remember writing about my expectations in my TOEFL test. Well, I successfully
Aug 18 - 1 min. read

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A shameful moment

Good day, everyone. Yesterday, I attended an Algebra class at university where the professor taught us about functions. I have prior knowledge on this topic since I previously took this class in
Apr 21 - 1 min. read

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Preparing for the TOEFL exam

Dear all, I would like to take a moment to share with you my current academic situation at university. This term, I am enrolled in three classes, one of which is Preparation for TOEFL. I must admit
Apr 19 - 1 min. read

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שגרת היומיום שלי

בבוקר אני קם בשבע. אני נשאר במיטה זמן מה צופה בסירטונים בביוטיוב. ואז אני הולך לעשות אמבטייה. אחר כך אוכל ארוקחת בוקר. כשאני מסיים, אני מתכונן לשיעורים המקוונים שלי. כשהשיעורים מסתיימים, אני מתאמן.
Apr 8 - 1 min. read

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Yazma Pratiği: Frank oyuncu olmak istiyor

Bu adamın hikayesi, adı Frank olan Hollandalı bir adamın Türkiye'ye gitmesiyle başlıyor. Frank oyuncu olmak istediği için Türkiye'ye gitti. Her gün Türk dizileri izlediği için Türk televizyonunda
Apr 3 - 1 min. read

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Revenons au français.

Salut tout le monde ! Je me remets à l'apprentissage du français, je sais pas trop pourquoi, mais j'ai eu envie de m'y remettre. Ça fait un bail que je regarde des vidéos en français, et j'ai
Mar 30 - 1 min. read

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My experience with English

Hi everyone! I'm Josué. This is not the first time I write here. I dont't write in English too much, but today I felt the necessity to do it. I learned English at school. First, I thought I wasn't
Mar 10 - 1 min. read

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Inne Urodziny

Ostatnio, to były moje urodziny. Z moją rodziną zaplanowaliśmy, co będziemy robić. Naszym zwyczajem jest wychodzenie na obiad do restauracji. Nędznie, to było niemożliwe. Niemniej jednak, mój brat
Mar 8 - 1 min. read

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I'm bored!

Hi everyone! This week I've doing exams at the university. They were boring and hard. I usually don't write in English because I do it a lot when I was at school, but anyways I decided to do it.
Feb 17 - 1 min. read

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Yeni bir dil

Selam arkadaşlar! Uzun zamandır Türkçe yazmıyorum. Bu günlerde başka bir dile daha çok ilgi duymaya başladım. Lehçe benim ikinci favori dilim! Türkçeyi hala seviyorum, merak etme. Türkçe ile ilgili
Feb 12 - 1 min. read

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Learning Polish

Witam wszystkich! Jak się macie? Dzisiaj wybraliśmy się na spacer z rodziną. Poszliśmy kupić przybory szkolne. Kupiliśmy zeszyty, ołówki, temperówki, gumki i wiele innych rzeczy. Bardzo lubię język
Feb 8 - 1 min. read

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B супермаркете

Cегодня с моей семьей пошли в супермаркет. Как декабрь супермаркет полон. Mне нравится ходить в супермаркет, но не мой брат. Я люблю быть вне моего дома. Hаходясь в супермаркете, мой папа нашел
Dec 17 - 1 min. read

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Deutsch lernen

Ich lerne seit einiger Zeit Deutsch. Ich finde Deutsch interessant. Ich lerne es auf einer bekannten deutschen Plattform. Sein Name ist Deutsche Welle. Es ist sehr gut. Der Unterricht ist wirklich
Sep 14 - 1 min. read

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Gelijkaardig maar niet hetzelfde.

Sinds kort, ik begon Pools te leren. Het lijkt op de Tsjechische. Ik was Tsjechisch aan het leren, maar het was erg moeilijk. Het had veel regels en het was erg verwarrend. Altijd heb ik voor de
Sep 13 - 1 min. read

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Le voyage en français

J'aime la langue français. J'ai voulu l'apprendre toute ma vie, mais je n'ai pas pu. Je pense que puisque je parle espagnol je peux le comprendre facilement mais ce n'est pas comme ça. J'ai
Sep 8 - 1 min. read

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Probeer Turks te spreken

Vandaag was ik alleen thuis. Ik leer veel talen, een van hen en mijn favoriet is Turks. Dus ik heb een app gedownload om met moedertaalsprekers te praten. Ik kom een vergaderruimte binnen en ik
Sep 6 - 1 min. read

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En son satın aldığım şey nedir?

Ne aldığımı hatırlamıyorum. Bence bir masa oyunuydu. Buna birden T-rex kadar deniyor, ya da böyle bir şey. Anneler günüydü. Babaannemin evine gittik ama önce Megapaca'ya gittik. Orada her zaman masa
Aug 28 - 1 min. read

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