Preparing for the TOEFL exam

Preparing for the TOEFL exam


language learning
daily life

Dear all,

I would like to take a moment to share with you my current academic situation at university. This term, I am enrolled in three classes, one of which is Preparation for TOEFL. I must admit that I am feeling somewhat anxious about this class as I have not yet had the opportunity to sit an English proficiency exam. In an attempt to prepare myself, I have turned to YouTube for guidance, only to discover that the exam is notoriously challenging and requires extensive preparation. At present, I am unsure how to prepare adequately.

While the class has not yet commenced, I have already had the chance to review the resources that our professor intends to use, and unfortunately, I find them lacking. Specifically, I anticipate that speaking and listening may be problematic for me, as my writing and reading skills are more advanced. Indeed, I have recently realised that my speaking ability is not as strong as I had previously believed.

As a college student, I am also considering my future career prospects, and I believe that working in a Call Center would be a suitable option. Such positions are well remunerated and offer flexible schedules, which would be ideal for me. However, when I tried a warm-up interview online, it did not go as I had hoped. I am afraid that I may not be sufficient in my skills and that I will struggle to pass the class.

If any of you have experienced a similar situation before, I would greatly appreciate any advice or guidance you may be able to offer. I am feeling somewhat desperate and uncertain about the road ahead, and any help would be most welcome. Thank you.

Headline image by kellysikkema on Unsplash