The Return

The Return


language learning
daily life

Hi everyone!

I have not posted anything within a while. I have been utterly busy with university assignments. I vaguely remember writing about my expectations in my TOEFL test. Well, I successfully passed the test. I must practice more in my reading and speaking abilities. I scored 30/30 in the writing section. I was so proud of myself.

Now I am enrolled tin this this class called Academic Writing. Tomorrow I will have the first exam, therefore I am hastily preparing myself for it. I will have to write either a descriptive essay, a process essay or a persuasive essay. I think a persuasive essay is the most difficult for me. I am nervous as well. There will be a demonstration tomorrow against the government, so I am afraid I will not arrive at the exam because I have to travel to another city to reach the university.

As a third novelty, I became interested in Asian languages such as Chinese and Korean. I like how they sound and how they are written. The thing is, I have problems with both.

Chinese characters are hard to write and pronunciation is a complete odyssey! On the other hand, the Korean alphabet, is less complicated and its pronunciation is simpler, but I do not have any connection with the language. I do not know what to watch on YouTube, for example, or what content to see to feel a motivation to diligently learn the language. I like Korean drawings, by the way. I do not know if they have a name.

Well, that's all. Please correct me if I make a mistake. I will be completely grateful.

Headline image by arniechou on Unsplash