Better Days (II)

Better Days (II)


daily life

Better Days (II)

(A Short Story)

Part 1

Our guide, who's still leading us quietly, suddenly stops and stares into the distance. I try to follow his gaze, but there’s nothing but sand as far as the eye can see. As usual, his face shows no emotion whatsoever as he slowly crouches down and motions for us to do the same. Without hesitation, we all follow his lead. Nobody speaks for the next few minutes and the silence is almost overwhelming until we hear a strange noise in the distance.

What's that sound? An engine? All of us are on high alert, not just the guide and me. I’m ready to fight or flee. I just need a signal. The man next to me mimes a steering wheel in the air. A car? It doesn’t sound like the cars I once saw in Pyongyang as a kid. But he could be right. What else could it be?

I can feel the grid on my jacket tightening and how my annoying imp of a sister is now glued to my side closer than ever. What a burden! What is she even thinking? That I’ll be able to protect her? No way! It’s every man for himself! As if she could hear my thoughts, she extends her free hand and carefully places it directly on my much larger hand. For the first time in a while, our eyes meet. Her big, dark brown eyes, full of fear, stare into mine and my heart sinks into my stomach.

What kind of horrible person am I? I've been so focused on surviving since we left home that I've been blind to how dependent and defenseless she really is. How could she stand up to anything with such a dangerously emaciated body? I need to protect her. At least she has to experience some of “the better days”!

The engine noise is getting louder and louder. I break eye contact with my sister and stare back into the dark night until I finally spot something. There are some lights moving up and down the dunes really fast. It has to be some kind of vehicle and it looks like it’s heading towards us. The closer it gets, the more details I can make out. It’s not a car. The roof and doors are missing. Whatever it is, this thing stops about thirty meters away from us and a jolt goes through our guide.

He stands up again, but motions for us to stay where we are. It's incredibly hard to see anything in this darkness, but my eyes are glued to him more than ever. What’s he planning to do? Is he going to lead this person away from us? Or is he leaving us behind? It’s nothing like that. He's walking directly towards the vehicle and starts arguing with the driver. Are we safe?

The argument intensifies more and more, until our guide reaches into his pocket and hands something to the driver. The blood freezes in my veins as this unknown person abruptly turns in our direction and calls out my sister’s name.

I can feel her release her grip on my jacket. NO! I want to scream, hold her back or run away with her, but I can’t move. I can only watch the small back of her, which looks frighteningly fragile, walking towards the vehicle. Out of nowhere, I hear her little voice whispering, "Oppa (big brother), there will be better days!"

The End.