First-Time Scones Thanks To Yume

First-Time Scones Thanks To Yume


language exchanges

A few days ago, I came across @yumiyumayume's post about making homemade scones. I strictly followed her instructions. I didn't watch any video on YouTube for the recipe so I didn't know exactly what to expect.

The first scones I got out of the oven were a bit crunchy and hard. The other ones were soft, maybe because I took them out of the oven faster than the first ones. I liked the latter more.

I can say that I'm happy with that result considering it was the first time I tried it.

We don't have berries here so I added some ready-to-eat jam on the side instead.

Thank you for sharing this recipe with us, @yumiyumayume! And I hope to have a garden like yours one day!

P.S. I wanted to add more photos of scones in the post but it seems it's only a feature available for premium accounts! What a pity! Sigh!