Reading a Book

Reading a Book


I was not in a good mood, when I got up today. The sun was shining, but the heaviness in my heart was still lingering. It didn't go away even though the new sunny day had started, and I expected myself to feel better. I eagerly searched for the source of positive energy that could help me to go through my day, and I had found it. I started reading a book. It was a nonfiction book and a fascinating one. I dived into it and I managed to forget about my problems for a while, especially when I was confronted with some new and sometimes breathtaking information. I was reading a fabulous book written by a wonderful scientist, Richard Dawkins. Dawkins descriptions of the nature world are just so captivating. I found the story about the driver ants particularly interesting. He wrote that when he was a child living in Africa, he was more afraid of driver ants than of tigers or crocodiles.  Driver ants are ants who lead a nomadic life and are considered to be very aggressive during their wandering from one spot to another. They attack every animal that gets them in the way. They are especially aggressive when somebody tries to attack their queen, not because of their patriotism or their love to the queen, but because they are designed so genetically. Dawkins wrote in the book that he came across an ants' colony when he was an adult, and he managed to supplant their childhood fears with awe and interest for these insects. He grabbed a stick and even tried to put ants aside cautiously in order to see a queen that was surrounded by brave soldiers that tried to defend their queen at the cost of their own life. He didn't manage to see the queen, but he was struck by the beauty of the nature and grateful for the opportunity which opened to him on this day.