The Bear Hunt

The Bear Hunt



This is a translation of a seemingly popular Russian anecdote as told by someone on LiveJournal.

Охота на медведя

The Bear Hunt

Экскурсовод рассказывал случай, когда я ездила в Завидово. Дело было в Советском Союзе, при Брежневе, который очень любил охоту и часто приглашал своих друзей, в том числе лидеров из других стран. И вот в очередной раз, на охоту напросился глава Германии Вальтер Ульбрихт, поверив в легенды, что Россия - страна диких медведей. Важный немецкий гость считался отличным стрелком, и очень хотел побывать на захватывающей охоте на русского медведя. Брежнев великодушно пообещал. Но в Завидово никогда медведи не водились, и Брежнев приказал егерям раздобыть во что бы то ни стало! Егеря в срочном порядке изъяли из близлежащего цирка медведя-пенсионера и перед охотой выпустили его в прилегающий лесок. В это время в поселок ехала на велосипеде почтальонша, и увидев медведя, упала с велосипеда и бросилась бежать. А медведь уселся на велосипед и покатил навстречу своей судьбе по тропинке к домику, где как раз его ожидал немецкий охотник. Ульбрихт услышал недалеко шум и стал подкрадываться к тропинке. Он уже вскинул ружье привычным жестом, направив в сторону доносившихся звуков. А счастливый мишка мчал под горку на велосипеде, по-видимому, радуясь неожиданной находке, звукам русского леса и чистому воздуху свободы. Именно в таком состоянии он и явился взору немецкого партийного руководителя. От неожиданности гость выронил ружьё и схватился за сердце. А медведь спокойно проехал мимо. Охота была сорвана. Я слышала другую историю и тоже по-моему с немцем, только там охота была на зайцев ( которых небыло конкретно в этом леске) Брежнев приказал немедленно раздобыть, короче зайчиков поблизости не нашлось, зато кошек было много. Взяли кошек и одели в белые костюмчики зайчиков. Охота в разгаре, немецкие товарищи стреляют…. Зайцы от страха полезли на деревья!!!! Занавес:)

Once, on a trip to Zavidovo, I heard a tour guide recount this anecdote about something that happened during Soviet times under Brezhnev. The Russian leader was known for being an avid hunter and would often invite friends, including other world leaders, to join him on hunting trips. One time, East German head of state Walter Ulbricht, buying into the legend that Russia is overrun with wild bears, asked to be allowed to hunt one. The distinguished German visitor considered himself something of a crack shot and was chomping at the bit for a chance to experience the thrill of bagging himself an honest-to-God Russian bear. Ever the magnanimous and gracious host, Brezhnev gave him his word that he would get that chance. However, there was one little snag: there were no bears to speak of in Zavidovo. They never ventured into that area. Quick on his feet, Brezhnev ordered the game wardens to get their hands on a bear, any bear, if it was the last thing they did! The wardens promptly seized an old, retired bear from a nearby circus and released it into the adjacent forest in anticipation of the hunt. At that moment, a postwoman happened to be cycling into the village when she caught sight of the bear, fell off her bike and ran for dear life. The bear, recognizing the vehicle from its circus days, jumped on and started riding down the path towards its fate; it was headed straight towards the lodge that housed the very German hunter who was gunning for it. Ulbricht, upon hearing some noise nearby, instinctively raised his weapon towards the place where the sounds seemed to be coming from. The elated bear pedaled downhill, seemingly thrilled with its unexpected find and exhilarated by the sounds of the Russian forest and the pristine air of freedom... and it was precisely in this euphoric state that the bear rode straight into the sights of the German party leader's rifle. The shock was such that the German dropped his rifle and clutched his heart as the bear rode calmly past him. So much for hunting! I've heard another version of this story — also involving a German, I think, except that it was hare they were hunting (of which there were none in that particular forest). Brezhnev, again, ordered hares to be brought in. And again, there were none to be had in the immediate vicinity. However, there was no shortage of cats. Solution: disguise the cats as white hares and the hunt was on! When the German hunters, in hot pursuit of their game, suddenly opened fire, the spooked "hares" started hightailing it up into the trees!!! I mean, you can't make this shit up!