


language learning
daily life
time management

I have a more dysthymic urge to learn languages lately. Less intense than usual, but ever present. I began a new job this week, and before that I had been applying for a bunch of them, making preparations. Now I'm going to be in training for 3 weeks straight, then starting the job proper, learning a new skill on the go. Interpretation. And so it's all somewhat nerve-wracking. And I can't seem to get used to do work for so many hours.

I've enrolled in a translation course too. Besides that, after a month or so of interpreting, I hope to have more mind space. I'll start French then. I'm tempted to have a 1-month Italian immersion no-study plan before that, but I don't know if I'll be able to execute it.

Japanese self-study is dead and staying dead for now. There are more pressing endeavors on the career front. :(

written earlier in the month

Headline image by aples on Unsplash