New Year's Resolutions for 2024

New Year's Resolutions for 2024


language learning
daily life

I wish all of you a Happy New Year!

For me, 2023 was exhausting and beautiful at the same time. My husband and I renovated an apartment, went on several rowing trips, had the opportunity to host different guests at our place, and spent time with distant relatives who my father-in-law hosted. In addition to all that action, I participated in two language events: the Polyglot Gathering in Teresin, Poland, and the Polyglot Conference in Budapest, Hungary.

Aside from attending the language events, I couldn't dedicate a lot of time to language learning due to the renovation work. Things that I achieved, though, were being able to hold a conversation in Italian, joining a monthly English Stammtisch, and finding a language partner for Spanish.

I'm trying to set SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timed).

So here are my goals for 2024:

  1. Read at least 12 books, implementing reading before bed instead of doom-scrolling social media
  2. Write at least 12 entries here on Journaly
  3. Cook 12 new, hopefully healthy, recipes
  4. Score better in the upcoming Women's Rowing Challenge than in 2020
  5. Exercise at least twice a week
  6. Customize my exercise regime in preparation for the regattas in October and December 2024
  7. Implement a date-night routine with my husband
  8. Participate in the Polyglot Gathering in Prague in May

What are your resolutions for 2024?

Headline image by kellysikkema on Unsplash