Cambridge Exam Result

Cambridge Exam Result


language learning

It was June 2022, when I started to prepare for the FCE Cambridge Exam (aka Cambridge First). And here am I - one year and a month later - with a desirable certificate.

In retrospect, I see several false steps, which I probably wouldn't have done with a tutor. However, I intentionally walked almost the whole path on my own because I wanted to plan the study process and be a coach for myself.

The lowest score is for Writing part. To be honest, I'm happy about it, because it bears out my decision to develop the writing skills. It also corresponds with my interest to storytelling in general.

I didn't plan to go further so soon and take the CAE Exam in the nearest future, but now this goal doesn't seem so unachievable. For me, resting on laurels isn't an option.

With that, I want to send heartfelt thanks 🙏 to @CocoPop and @JGComm, who edited my posts and supported me in my way to the little personal goal.

Let's imagine, we are at Oscar award ceremony🎬🎉.

Figures won't tell you much, but I put them here as an illustration.

reading 190 (B2 Grade A)

use of english 189 (B2 Grade A)

writing 171 (B2 Grade C)

listening 180 (B2 Grade B)

speaking 190 (B2 Grade A)


total 184 (B2 Grade A)

Headline image by madebyvadim on Unsplash