A Small Note From Journaly Customer Support

A Small Note From Journaly Customer Support


journaly updates

Hello everyone – it's a little bit sad that I have to write this post, but I definitely want to keep things positive and encouraging! :)

📖 A Couple of Quick Anecdotes

Some of you may have seen a post today from a user who claimed that "Journaly doesn't respond to Customer Support emails" and refused to respond to their request to remove their account. Before writing that post, the user had sent a handful of emails during the middle of the night where I live – the same email, just repeated – and after a very long day at my full-time job I logged in at 9:44pm to handle their request and remove their account. The total response time was approximately 18 hours.

Last week, a different user signed up, wrote 6 posts in different languages that all got tremendous feedback, and then they wrote an angry post in all big letters about how the comments were unnnecessary and "snobby", and then sent 10 emails to our Customer Support asking to delete their account, one of them that just said "I WANT TO DELETE MY ACCOUNT" repeated about 200 times.

⭐️ You're Amazing!

Don't worry! This isn't a rant and I'm not upset or angry at all. I just thought this was perhaps a good time to both share some praise and raise an interesting point.

So firstly, I want to praise to you, the community, once again! I did see that a few of you tried to help the first user I mentioned by providing our Customer Support email and with supportive words. I also saw that when the second user made that angry post, all of you who commented kept things so encouraging and positive, simply explaining our culture of helping each other to improve and providing constructive suggestions to the user for future posts. Seeing these kinds of interactions on the platform over and over again make me feel so proud of the Journaly community and it always warms my heart – thank you!

Secondly, because I know a lot of people might not be aware of this, I thought I would just take this chance to share that Journaly Customer Support is me – nobody else. Over the years I've handled thousands of Customer Support requests by myself and I try really hard to get to them as quickly as I can. Most people have been kind, but I've certainly had to deal with some angry, rude, and even abusive emails over the years.

☎️ Journaly Customer Support Efforts

In almost all cases, if the request has been urgent I have replied within 24 hours. I will definitely admit that for non-urgent cases, although I still often reply within a day, it can sometimes take me a week or even a little bit longer since I had to come back to working a full-time job. But I really do try my best to help everybody, and after nearly 5.5 years of spending thousands upon thousands of hours working at Journaly's Software Engineer, Designer, Marketer, and Customer Support agent, I'm still doing all of this completley for free and at this time I continue to pay some of my own money each month to keep Journaly online for everyone to use.

🌲 Conclusion

So with all of that said, I feel like responding to that user today and addressing their request in less than 24 hours was perfectly reasonable, and didn't deserve them posting publicly like that. But at the same time, I also understand that my situation is perhaps a little unique and when people use a platform like this, they probably don't imagine that the creator is also the one Customer Support Rep, and they probably don't imagine they're working for free. I think a lot of people might forget that there's a human being on the other side of those emails.

But like I said, more than anything I want this to be a positive moment. The fact that the vast majority of people over the years have been pleasant, kind, and respectful; and that I can go to sleep at night knowing that whatever someone posts on Journaly, the community will respond with kindness, helpfulness, and support on my behalf, is all just absolutely incredible.

Lastly, I would like to apologize to any users who have received slow response times. I promise I will do my best to improve this and I thank you for your patience!

Happy language learning and happy journaling everyone, you all rock! 🎸✨

Headline image by wilhelmgunkel on Unsplash