Thank y'all, including Robin MacPherson Of course!

Thank y'all, including Robin MacPherson Of course!



Good morning y'all, I hope you're doing great today. I'll be honest, I didn't know what to write about so I thought, "Why don't we write a thank you post?" and then I thought, "Fucking genius." So here I am! If I find something interesting to write about during the day I'll come back, no promises though.

I've tried a lot of times to practice output, failing in all of them. I downloaded Tandem, but nobody answered my messages. I downloaded HelloTalk and I made a native friend! But we stopped talking. I tried Discord, I felt nervous as hell. So at the end I gave up on trying, I was wasting precious time that I could use studying the language. I had already heard about Journaly at that time but I really didn't pay any attention to its premise, I thought it was just a generic online journal. I decided that I would improve output by correcting myself, what a smart movement! But after two days I realized that I wasn't noticing any mistakes because I was the one making the mistakes. And then I decided to give Journaly a try.

I installed it out of despair, I couldn't sleep and I didn't know what to do (hence How I ruined my sleep schedule).

And I'm grateful for that! Journaly is a place where I can write about whatever I want without any social anxiety, time pressure and still get corrected! Thanks to this page I realized how much I suck at output, and how much I can still improve in English. I know there's something similar called "Italki Notebooks" and tbh I've tried it but it's literally Journaly but nobody corrects you (or at least that's been my experience). And Journaly has a lot more features!

So I just wanted to thank y'all for being part of this community where we help others and are helped by others, I hope we all reach our desired language level and continue to learn new things!

I'm really starting to fear what will happen after running out of ideas. I don't want to write about my dreams all the time, and I don't have any special knowledge that I can share with y'all here. I'm already seeing all my future posts called "Let's write a post" where I just write about whatever comes to mind. I don't want that! I want something interesting! Well that's a problem for the JJOA of the future, not mine (I hope).