How I ruined my sleep schedule.

How I ruined my sleep schedule.


daily life

Yeserday I went out with some friends with the objective of arriving to a softball match that taking place that day. My friends met at a mall at 3:00pm but I arrived three hours later because of community service. The match was supposed to start at 7:30pm so we left the mall half an hour before in order to get transportation, but some of my friends didn't bring enough money so we decided to take the bus. With only 2 of us knowing how to arrive there in bus we had to wait some time while doing the thinking process of how to get as close as possible to the stadium. When we finally got in the cramped bus and reached our "destination" we were full of joy, but it didn't last long once one of us said "We are 30 minute walk far away of the stadium... and the match has already started."

So our journey began, only a third of us knew this part of the city so the other 4 (including me) were completely lost and dependant on them. Tbh we all were afraid of getting mugged, after all we were a group of teenagers walking on the streets of a country not so safe, I wouldn't be able to count how many times I looked over my back. We passed a tunnel, two malls, a sideway where in the 80's muggers would climb trees to jump over pedestrians and I don't remember how many party buses. It was getting close to 10:00pm.

Then we arrived.

A completely full stadium, filled with noise, chants, hotdogs, and who knows what more were my expectations, but all we encountered in our arrival was disappointment. It was a practice match with only 4 people different to us watching the match, we didn't even last 15 minutes there. We decided to go eat something sweet, so I ordered a fruit salad with ice cream but at the end I found myself eating candy that happened to have some fruit on it, only realizing it after eating it.

At 11:00pm some of us came back to their houses, and the remaining of us were going to stay the night in one of our houses (except one of us). That one was going to walk all the way to his house so we decided to accompany him part of the way, being even more careful walking than the last time. We were going to accompany him until a mall where we were going to stay safely waiting for one of our fathers to get us, but the mall was closed. Our friend continued his way alone and our car arrived around 12:00Pm.

We stayed in the house of my friend where we played videogames and watched movies until 4:00Am. I woke up at 8:00Am and came back to my house an hour and half later, where I fell asleep at 5:00Pm. Waking up at 1:30Am.

And now I'm here, writing this at 3:55Am.