to buy or not to buy a car

to buy or not to buy a car


daily life

I have been wondering if I should buy a car or not for two years. I have never had my own car. I regularly check the websites, looking for the best deal on a used car. You know, not too old, with not too many kilometers, clean and cheap. Twice I was about to buy one.

Why I didn't? Buying a car is a dilemma for me. It's not that I'm afraid of driving - in fact I really enjoy it. But I also love to find other ways to travel, by train, carpooling, buses, bike... And for ecological reasons I'm pretty proud of how I was able to find other solutions to travel during the last years. But at the same time, I found myself in tricky situations several times, being very limited to find a place to stay in small cities for example. I'm often on the move and I like to have some personnal belongings with me (at least my guitar and a sewing machine). The main reason why I end up not buying the car each time is that I'm afraid of getting lazy. Lazy to look for more ecological ways to move because I will want to use the car.

(But of course, if I really really need it for my job or other reasons, I surely will buy one!)