The Flying Frog  (77-Word-Story)

The Flying Frog (77-Word-Story)


language learning

I've just read a post by Linda about 77-word stories.

The idea was to start with a seven-word heading sentence and then create seven sentences with the words in the heading.

These sentences should each contain 10 words.

So you end up with a story that's 10 x 7 + 7 = 77 words.

I thought this was a fun idea. So here you have my 77-word story about the crazy little frog.


Once there was a little crazy frog

Once upon a time this frog wanted to fly, unfortunately

there was no hope of him growing wings. But, suddenly -

Was this a miracle? No way! Suddenly he could fly.

A stork had caught him, carried him in its beak.

Little Froggy laughed out loud: “See? Finally I can fly.”

Crazy little frog! Fortunately, storks never ever eat laughing animals.

Froggy fell happily to the ground. Finally he had flown.