When Robin announced the fourth round of the Multilingual Bookclub, I had absolutely no idea what I was going to read. Earlier that day I'd just started reading a new book, Maxwell's Demon by Steven Hall, so I thought that maybe I could finish it during the bookclub. That gave me some time to make up my mind on what I wanted to read.
I usually have a bunch of books on my mental reading list, but at the beginning of this week, I still couldn't think of anything I'd fancy reading. Since this round is all about extensive reading, or "just normal reading", as some people like to phrase it, I thought I might read a German novel. Usually, the only kinds of texts I've read in German the last few years (apart from Journaly posts) were academic papers and newspaper articles. So, a novel in German by a German author would've been a welcome change. I came across a really interesting (short) novel that peaked my interest.
However, after I finished the last 150 pages of Maxwell's Demon, I felt like reading something in another foreign language. Long story short, I downloaded In altre parole by Jhumpa Lahiri on my Kindle and read about 25 % of it (it's only 73 pages long). In this book, Lahiri tells the story of her relationship with the Italian language and how she learned it over the course of almost two decades. She wrote the book in Italian and it's a comfortable read for me. The vocabulary and sentence structures are just complex enough to make it an interesting read. For anyone looking for a first novel in Italian, this could be a perfect choice.
It seemed like I finally got on track for the Bookclub. Until I got hold on a copy of Dan Brown's Inferno yesterday - in Catalan. I was curious how much I'd understand and ended up reading a good chunk of it. It sparked hope in me that maybe, just maybe, I could finally manage reading my first complete novel in Catalan. We'll see what happens next. This round started off without a proper plan and ended up a bit chaotic after the first week already.
I find it quite amazing you can read that already by now! I bought the exact same book once in Barcelona while on vacation and I still have to read it :D
Now you’ll have to wait till I finished it :P and I was surprised as well that I can read it. Of course there are many words I don’t understand, but somehow they aren’t necessary to know what’s going on :D
Hi Caro, I hope you're going to enjoy the novel in Catalan :)
If you don't mind reading translations in Catalan instead of originals, a Welsh novel by one of my favourite authors has just been translated. https://periscopi.cat/llibre/antipoda/el-llibre-blau-de-nebo (probably also available in a number of your other languages!)
@Linda: Thanks, so far I'm enjoying it very much :)
@BvHvSu26: Thanks for the recommendation. That looks like a good read, but I think I'd probably enjoy it more in English or German, since my reading skills in Catalan are not that good yet :)
Ei, BvHvSu26, aquest llibre té bona pinta. Podria ser un bon regal de Nadal i tot :). A més és ben nou (Octubre del 2021).
@edfugan: és molt bé. La autora ha guanyat molts premis. I am excited that it has been translated into Catalan. :)
Caro, your writing has gotten so good! Long, complex sentences that could've been written by a native with a consistent tenor throughout. I'm very impressed!
Eduard, estic veient un programa que es diu "Si no t'hagués conegut" a Netflix i el protagonista es diu Eduard. Cada vegada que diuen el seu nom, penso en tu)))
Hahaha magnífic! No la conec aquesta sèrie :'D
Ei Uly, aquesta sèrie que dius (https://www.ccma.cat/tv3/si-no-thagues-conegut/capitols/) resulta que sí que la conec. Millor dit: Fa un parell d'anys (el 2018 o el 2019) quan vaig anar de visita/vacances a Catalunya la meva mare em va dir que "aquesta sèrie està molt bé" i que "el protagonista es diu com tu, em fa molta gràcia" xD. Encara no he vist la sèrie, però realment sembla interessant. És una producció catalana de TV3 i els capítols estan disponibles online (al link que he enganxat més amunt). Desafortunadament els capítols no es poden veure fora de l'estat Espanyol (...), com a mínim des d'Alemanya no funciona. Dius que es pot veure des de Netflix? Doncs a veure si convenço a certa persona (els seus textos anglesos et semblen molt bons ;), a jutjar per un comentari teu recent) i la veiem. Gràcies per la recomanació.
Si has vist la pel·lícula Butterfly Effect, aquest programa és una mica així. Aquest noi torna enrere en el temps per assegurar-se que la seva dona NO es casi amb ell perquè no mori en un accident de cotxe en el futur a causa d’ell.😅 Però els girs de cada episodi són tràgics i insuportables. Al final de cada episodi, vull tallar-me les venes. Necessito trobar un show català divertit per contrarestar els efectes d’aquest.😂
Prova "Plats Bruts" o "Jet Lag". Són sèries ja bastant velletes, però és el que recordo espontàniament :D
Uly, thank you so much for your help and your kind words ☺️ They truly made my day (when I read it a few days ago. I’m replying slowly these days 😅).
And the tv series sounds interesting, I think I might give it a try.
Try it, you'll love it))
I just finished Jhumpa Lahiri's book (i read an English translation) and it was simply marvelous. Thanks for recommending such a wonderful read:)
Hi Julie, I'm glad you enjoyed the read :) Unfortunately, I didn't like it as much