My Strategy Reading "Silk" by Alessandro Baricco

My Strategy Reading "Silk" by Alessandro Baricco


multilingual book club 03

Just some weeks ago, I decided to take up Italian. It's a very interesting process because I already know a bunch of Romance languages and thus I am able to understand the gist of most texts, but I'm not sure what it will be like to read an entire book in Italian.

My strategy now is to read Seta in Italian accompanied by the European Portuguese version, Seda. It was translated into Portuguese by Sara Ludovico and published by Quetzal Editores. Interestingly, the first paper edition was published in November 2016 while the original was published 20 years earlier in 1996.

I decided to try to read the Italian book first and occasionally look up words. In order to check my understanding of the text, I'm going to read the Portuguese text afterwards. Because the chapters are so short, I'm probably going to switch languages every other chapter in order to not lose too much momentum while reading. I also found a free reading of the book on YouTube that I'm going to listen to occasionally or as I read the Italian version. I don't think I'll be shooting for a fixed number of pages each day, but rather just see how much I'm in the mood to read.

What about you? Have you already made a reading plan for the third round of the Multilingual Book Club?

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