Multilingual Book Club - Round 2

Multilingual Book Club - Round 2


multilingual book club 02

Today, Robin introduced the second round of the Multilingual Book Club.

Here's the link to Robin's video where he introduces the second round of the Multilingual Book Club.

In this post, I'd like to summarize Robin's video.

For the second round, there won't be a common novel. Instead, everyone will be able to read a book of their choosing, according to their level of proficiency and interests. Robin chose to read a collection of shorts stories in Mandarin Chinese called 這些人,那些事. It was recommended to him by a local Chinese restaurant owner.

The second round will start on Sunday, August 1, 2021 and the duration will be four weeks. There'll be two live streams — one halfway through on Sunday, August 15, 2021 at 5 pm (GMT+1) and a final live stream on Sunday, August 29, 2021 at 5 pm (GMT+1). This time, there'll also be some giveaways: each week, five randomly chosen people will win a free month of Journaly Premium. To participate, all you have to do is write a post about the second round of the Multilingual Book Club and tag it with the topic "multilingual book club 02".

If you want to know more about Robin's experience reading the Mandarin Chinese book, 這些人,那些事, you can follow him on Instagram: @_robinmacpherson

There'll also be an Instagram Live every Friday at 5:30 pm (GMT+1) where he'll chat with Jake (CEO of Skritter) in Mandarin Chinese about their experience reading the book.

Here's the link to sign up. If you already signed up last time, you don't need to sign up again.

So do you already know which book you're going to read next month?