speaks: Chinese (Simplified)

learns: English

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Children's Day

On Tuesday, we had a party for Children's day in school. Not only did we have a party, but we also saw a film. We had the party in the morning, and saw a film after lunch. The lunch was better than
Jun 6 - 1 min. read

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A Party

Last month, we had a party in school. We brought food to school, and ate it. There were nine teams in our class. Each team did something funny in the party. We saw a film about Robinson Crusoe. We
May 30 - 1 min. read

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On Thursday, we went back to school. We could go to school later than before. The students that came to school early didn't do excercise in the classroom. The others did exercise in the classroom.
May 9 - 1 min. read

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My May Day Holiday

My May Day holiday was nice. My family and another families went to a mountain together. We stayed for two days. My friends and I burned the sticks. It rained on the second day. But, the weather was
May 5 - 1 min. read

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The Basketball Game

This week, we saw a basketball game at school. Grade 6( my grade) vs Grade 5. At last, Grade 5 won. Grade six got 28 baskets. Grade 5 got 29 baskets. The girls played basket ball first, then the boys
Apr 18 - 1 min. read

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Coup 2

If a player has more than 10 coins, then this player must Coup. I want to have a contessa and a captain in the game. Becuse, if I have a contessa, I can block Assasinnation, and I can steal two coins
Apr 18 - 1 min. read

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Coup 1

Last weekend, I played a name called Coup. It is a board game. There are some cards in the game. They are Duke, Contessa, Captain, Ambassador, and Assassin. Every player has two coins and two cards
Apr 4 - 1 min. read

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer2

Today, I watched a TV show called "Buffy the Vampire Slayer". It is very intresting. Buffy is the main character in this show. She kills the vampires. When she is having a date with Owen, the
Mar 21 - 1 min. read

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What Did I Do At School 2

At school, I spend many time to chatted and played with my classmates. At the time between two classes, I chatted with them. Some of my classmates had some difficult homework, they couldn’t do it.
Mar 14 - 1 min. read

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What Did I Do In School

At 2.21, I went back to my school. There were no changes about my teachers. Two of my classmates went to other schools. So, my class were only 42 people. My seat was same as before. At the time
Mar 7 - 1 min. read

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My Chinese New Year

Today, I want to write something about the last Chinese New Year. At Chinese New Year, I went back to my hometown, it is not very far from my home. We met many people in my family that do not visit
Feb 28 - 1 min. read

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Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is the most important festival in Chinese traditional festivals. Chinese people call it “ Spring Festival ”. There are many festivals near Spring Festival, “Chuxi”, “Little Chinese
Feb 8 - 1 min. read

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Few days ago, I played Monopoly, it is a board game. People play it for a long time, almost everyone knows this game. But, I do not play it often. At first, I didn't use my money randomly. So, I had
Feb 7 - 1 min. read

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Today, I want to write something about oceans. There are five oceans on the world. They are: Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Arctic Ocean, and Antarctic Ocean. Pacific Ocean is the
Feb 5 - 1 min. read

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Last time, I watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer - 4(The teacher's pet). It is about a big bug. It can make itself look like a woman. It killed the science teacher, so she became the new science teacher
Feb 3 - 1 min. read

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In The Wild, What Do The Animals Eat

In the wild, some animals eat meat, they are carnivores. Some animals eat plants, they are herbivores. Some animals eat both meat and plants, they are omnivores. Wolfs eat meat, so they are
Jan 31 - 1 min. read

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The Special Cards In Clue

Last time, I said there are many special cards in Clue, today, let's talk about them. First,each player has a card for their own chracter card, it has some special power on it. You can use it once
Jan 30 - 1 min. read

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The Special Cards In Clue

Last time, I said there are many special cards in Clue, today, let's talk about them. First, players has a card for their guests, it has some special power on it. You can use it once per game.
Jan 30 - 1 min. read

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Today, we played a intresting game -- Clue.It is a board game. We should find out the killer in the game. The players have some diffrent cards. We can go to the room, and guess who is the killer. If
Jan 29 - 1 min. read

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Today, we played a intresting game -- Clue.It is a board game. We should find out the killer in the game. The players have some diffrent cards. We can go to the room, and guess who is the killer. If
Jan 29 - 1 min. read

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