
speaks: English

learns: Chinese (Simplified), Japanese, Korean, Latin

likes: education, language learning, creativity, science, physics, cognitive science, linguistics, video games, productivity, programming, board games

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Journal Club Prompt 2021/12/23

What kind of place do you live? Is it a big city or somewhere with few people? How did you come to live there? What kind of home do you live in? Is it a house, an apartment, or something else? Do you
Dec 24 - 1 min. read

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Journal Club Prompt 2021/12/22

Do you celebrate Christmas? If so, does your family have any Christmas traditions? (If not, do you have family traditions for the holidays you observe?) In the States, we often visit family or
Dec 23 - 1 min. read

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Journal Club Prompt 2021/12/21

'Tis also the season… for food! What did you have for lunch today? How did you like it? Where did you eat, and were you alone or with others? Do you know how to cook? What's your "go-to" dish? Do you
Dec 21 - 1 min. read

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Journal Club Prompt 2021/12/20

'Tis the season… for resolutions! All right, perhaps that's not until next week, but it's still close enough to write about. What's something you want to do in the New Year? Do you have a plan for
Dec 20 - 1 min. read

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Journal Club Prompt 2021/12/19

This Tuesday marks this year's winter solstice for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere. After the solstice, the days begin to get longer, heralding the approach of spring. What is winter like
Dec 19 - 1 min. read

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Journal Club Prompt 2021/12/17

The weekend is coming, and with it, free time! What do you like to do when you have a bit of free time? Do you have any hobbies that you enjoy on the weekends? What are they? How did you start or how
Dec 17 - 1 min. read

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Journal Club Prompt 2021/12/16

When was the last time you talked with someone in the language you're learning? With whom did you speak, and what did you talk about? Was there anything you struggled to communicate to them? What was
Dec 16 - 1 min. read

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Journal Club Prompt 2021/12/15

How do you usually feel when unexpected things happen? Is it exciting, stressful, or both? Think about a recent time where your plans really did not go as expected. What did you plan for, and what
Dec 16 - 1 min. read

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Journal Club Prompt 2021/12/14

What time do you wake up? What's the first thing you do after waking? What (if anything) do you do differently on weekends? Are you a morning person or an evening person? (That is, do you prefer to
Dec 14 - 1 min. read

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Journal Club Prompt 2021/12/13

Monday's here -- and with it, the start of a new week! Do you like to plan your week, or do you prefer to be spontaneous? What's something you're looking forward to doing this week? What's something
Dec 13 - 1 min. read

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Journal Club Prompt 2021/12/12: "'Tis the season"

Christmas is fast approaching, and at least in the United States, that means it's the season… for gift-giving! Have you already planned what gifts to give your loved ones? If so, what will you give
Dec 12 - 1 min. read

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Journal Club Prompt 2021/12/11: "Ready, set, go!"

How do you usually get around your town -- by bus, by car, on foot, or something else? What do you like about that mode of transportation? What do you not like about that mode of transportation?
Dec 11 - 1 min. read

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Journal Club Prompt 2021/12/10: "Where do you go on the weekends?"

Tomorrow, it's the weekend! What's a place you like to go on the weekend? What do you usually do there? When was the last time you went?
Dec 10 - 1 min. read

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Journal Club Prompt 2021/12/09: "Back in my day…"

What's one thing you miss about being a kid? What's one thing you DON'T miss about being a kid? What's one thing about your life now that would have surprised you when you were a kid?
Dec 9 - 1 min. read

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저널 클럽 2021/12/08: 요즘에 배우고 있는 일

최근에 신기한 발견은요?: 집을 깨끗하게 하면 제 마음가짐에 도움이 엄청 많아요. 제 아파트는 너무 지저분할 땐 이유를 몰라도 죄책감이 들고 집중하는 게 어려워져요. 지난 번 주에 청소를 많이 해서 마음이 편안해졌어요. 세상에게 가르치고 싶은 일은요?: 좋은 대답이 너무 많은데… 선택해야한다면 "아픔을 해결하는 방법"을 가르칠 거예요. 아픈 사람들은
Dec 8 - 1 min. read

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Journal Club Prompt 2021/12/8: "Today I learned…"

(Choose any combination of the following three prompts, or invent your own!) What did you learn recently, not about language, that really surprised you? When/where did you learn it, and what event or
Dec 8 - 1 min. read

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영어하루1시간 안된다 (This Is Big Data)

(영상 출처: 네, 결론부터 말씀 드릴게요. 영어 하루 한 시간으로나 안 돼요. 네, 그걸로는 안 돼요. 우리가 보며 영어 과장광고들이 많잖아요. 하루 20분이면 된다. 하루 20분, 30분, 규칙적으로 이렇게 하자. 되게 좋은
Mar 24 - 3 min. read

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