How do you usually get around your town -- by bus, by car, on foot, or something else?
What do you like about that mode of transportation?
What do you not like about that mode of transportation?
How do you usually get around your town -- by bus, by car, on foot, or something else?
What do you like about that mode of transportation?
What do you not like about that mode of transportation?
I usually go around my town by car on my own or by uber. Where I live we have limited transport offer . By car or bus is the most common.
This hapens because the subway we only have in cities with around 50.000 inhabitants. This does not happen as a rule. Perhaps it happens because there is no such attention on the part of state governments in Brazil to this question. We only have a subway in 0.3%, 20 cities, out of 5.568 muicipalities that exist in Brazil. When I'm in cities with subways I prefer it (data from 2013). There's no smoking gun recent news that this has changed.
I like the car more than the bus because the public buses here are not of good quality. They often have overtake normal capacity of passengers.
I don't like going to by car, compared to metro, because it takes time to park at central shopping points or commercial areas.