
speaks: Portuguese (Brazilian)

learns: French, English, Spanish

likes: language learning, culture, podcasts, history, international relations, transcription

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English writing practice, 4th. What is normal

What does normal mean? While everything is going well, can be treated as normal. On other hand, it can be analyzed as a stupid actitud for another person. Then, the normal concept is different from
Feb 6 - 1 min. read

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English writing practice, 3rd. The brain is ready

The brain is ready It doesn't seem, however this. For instance, a child that born in China or Brazil, will learn their language perfectly. In an analagous sense, an adult brain is able to live in
Feb 5 - 1 min. read

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English writing practice, 3nd. Habits

Unconscious habits Although habits are frequent in life, some of them go through life. Perhaps could we live in two countries that we wish, couldn't we? Our brains are able to learn all that exist
Feb 4 - 1 min. read

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English writing practice, 2nd. From scratch

From scratch If we really want something, we must fight for it. Perhaps will be needed to start from scratch. It doesn't mean starting only one time. When goals look stronger than our strengths, we
Feb 3 - 1 min. read

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English writing practice, 30th. From space

From space Hard problems are actually small, you will believe. Perhaps people only didn't take a look around the universe. Yes, this is a fun way to look at life's challenges. But, bringing from
Jan 31 - 1 min. read

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English writing practice, 28th. Life expectancy

Life expectancy Maybe the life expectancy can be damaged due to an error concept of quality of life. Frequently, people lose live portions. This happens due to the easy living solutions. Not only
Jan 29 - 1 min. read

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English writing practice, 27th. That shines

The weather outside could be in front of a magic snowing square. But the lights shines yet. I can see, I can imagine actually, its light as a little flame, that illuminates.
Jan 28 - 1 min. read

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English writing practice, 25th. International right

International right And if any country doesn't care about the lows? We will be in danger. It's something simple like this. As the highlights show every day, countries do what they shouldn't, from a
Jan 26 - 1 min. read

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English writing practice, 24th. Flying car

Flying car is it a good one? For now, we can imagine the fastest life. Perhaps the transport modals have changed forever. But could it be real or only a fancy of the rich? Once billionaires are not
Jan 25 - 1 min. read

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English writing practice, 23th. Traveling in group

Traveling in group Traveling in a group could be enjoyable, or not. Although travel in a group could be enjoyable, you have to take one of two ways: chose to go anywhere or go where others want to.
Jan 23 - 1 min. read

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English writing practice, 22nd. Breathtaking

Breathtaking! Perhaps, almost everything we see is routine. Despite a novelty that has happened lately, little ones take you to say "wow". Breathtaking moments are few. In fact, the breathtaking
Jan 22 - 1 min. read

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English writing practice, 21th. Help accounting

Help accounting Could the help be accounted for? Is an interesting ethical question and search. When you do something for helping, no one needs to know. Everybody knows how this works. However, when
Jan 22 - 1 min. read

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English writing practice, 20th. Home medicine

Home medicine Some days home medicine can be a magic solution, in others can be a crime. There are many reasons for this. On one side, in the countryside people can decide which plant to use to cure
Jan 21 - 1 min. read

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English writing practice, 18th. Transport

The usual transport There is a different kind of thinking about the best transport. It depends on the places you are. For instance, in Brazil, it doesn't make much sense if you are in the countryside
Jan 20 - 1 min. read

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English writing practice, 17th. Patron saint

Not everybody needs a huge help that they couldn't live without that. Nevertheless, for someone yes, they could not. At least, they could be sad. As it as in the rare time that happens in life and
Jan 18 - 1 min. read

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English writing practice, 16th. 3D dimentions

How tech could improve distance living situation The announced metaverse tech invention may put feelings more close. Even with virtual reactions, 3-D. In fact, all have been changed since the virtual
Jan 16 - 1 min. read

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English writing practice, 15th. Stopped clocks

What could have happened next? Ah yes, It was 45min past three a. m. and the world didn't have any clock working. For this, nobody has known that had started the time without time clocks.
Jan 15 - 1 min. read

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English writing practice, 14th. Tattoos

Selling a tattoo. If you ask someone why they got a tattoo, you will probably listen to some history. In fact, the painting tattoo sometimes shows for others a message. However, many people don't
Jan 15 - 1 min. read

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Starting to write, January 12th. The ice

An ice age day in the tropics On the image above: Today Tomorrow Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday The better thing in the tropic countries is to live an age ice day. It happens when it is down
Jan 13 - 1 min. read

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English writing practice, 10th

What’s your favorite way to waste time? A rewarding way to waste time is trying some new language. I think it is really stupendous. But in a condition: to be free to see without time to conclude, no
Jan 11 - 1 min. read

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