On my birthday (lyrics)

On my birthday (lyrics)



Today I want to translate one of my favorites songs to English.

Name: On my birthday

By: Hugo Blanco

On my birthday

I won't be at home

and if someone hugs me

I will tell them that I'm remembering today

that I have you by my side

beloved heart

I give you my love

The Canary suffers

if it isn't at its nest

It has already happened to me

a few times

when it dawns

and you aren't by my side

beloved heart

let me kiss you

They say that someone who loves a lot

they don't cry but inside (No llora sino por dentro)

But that's not true (in Spanish we say "eso es puro cuento",. I don't know if in English something exists like this)

everyone in their own way

because I cry outside

when I don't have you here

and that day I was born

I knew what a lament was

and from that moment

I have cried like this.

I'm going to leave my country very soon. I hope that. I'm going to sing this song that day.