My first time  with italki

My first time with italki


language learning

I heard italki since I have started learning German (two years ago). I was looking for other resources to practice my speaking and I got to know about this website. I found the whole idea wonderful but still I didn't try it. Last year (thanks to the pandemic) I finally signed up and I selected some teachers to make a few trial lessons but I had financial issues. Back then I had to choose between giving it a try or saving money for my move to another city and the bureaucratic arrangements.

Now I'm in a different situation. My life in Germany is finally going to start in August and I don't have any more to worry about where I am going to live and how I can stay - legally- in Germany. So it's the perfect time to take lessons on italki. I decided to start focusing on developing my spoken fluency in English. My story learning this language is a little chaotic and, I would say, traumatic. I had a rough time at school, but during my university years I did pretty well on my own. My listening and reading skills are very well developed, but I will not be able to become a confident speaker without some kind of professional guidance.

I took a trial lesson with a fantastic and charming teacher from London. She understood my goals and proposed to me a learning path that we can put in action together. If I can give you a tip with this platform is to avoid the teachers that don't communicate wiht you before the trial lesson. It's a good signal when they ask you to fill the contact form of their profile or when they simply ask about your learning objectives.

Tomorrow is the first official lesson with her and I'm really looking forward to it. That's why I wrote this post to start a kind of journal and, of course, to practice my writing that also needs a lot of work!