Cockroache's city

Cockroache's city




This drem contain explicit violence, and some other disturbing things. If you are sencible to this topics, please, stop reading. What you're about to read is a dream, that explains a lot of things...

Advice: All the underlined words are those that i didn't know before, so, if you watch one, now you know their meaning.

The cockroache's city

(or the naked lunch dream)

The first thing that came to my mind when i remember this dream is being outside my old primary school. There was a big and oxcided door behind us. I was with other two friends with no face, and with no name. I only know, thanks to the magic lucidity that dreams give, that they were friends of mine.

We went up into a peatonal pass to cross a big avenue outside my school. At the midle of the pass, we encounter two women, and it seems like they were mom and daugther. They wear old grey clothes, and I believe they were some kind of homeless people. The little girl aproaches at me, and give me a small esphere. It look's like a magic ball, and when i saw it, i can see an image, like it was some movie. The girl told me that they are selling memories, open her coat and showed me lots of small espheres, a lot of memories from lifes that i never lived.

I give my thanks to the girl, and continue my way, but, before i can go, i give a last glance at her mother. She was RIDICULOSLY tall (like 2.20 m.), and her face was so unrealistic, like she has a rigid and pale mask. She just stare at me with her creepy small eyes. I can't stop seeing her, and i feel paralyzed, but then, forced myself to move forward.

We keep walking and from one moment to anoter, we turned up into a diferent place. All was lined in red velvet, from the floor, the walls and the ceiling. It was like a luxuryous railway carriage, with all the corners covered in gold. Outside the windows, i only can see fleeting lights over a black background. At first, we were alone, but after some minutes, other beings enter with us. I remember i can see "No face", from "Spirited away", and also a enormus yeti head. Each time we stop, and the dors of the weagon opens, they show a unique landscape, like a futuristic city, a meadow, a chaotic paint, and so on.

I said goodbye to my friends, and get down on a desert place... at least i thought that when a get off. A glimpsee was enough to look, far away, numerous and twisted sign post, pointing to nowhere. That place was... unnerving. The weagon disapeared behind me, and now, i was alone. If you have played any Silent Hill game, let me say that place can perfectly fit on any of the games, rusted, desolate...

What can i do now? I just walk to one of the signs to see what does it say, and it has unrecognosible simbols, like an ancient lenguage. I tried to touch that symbols, and then, they goes out of the symbol in a green-neon coulor, and i can hear a voice, saying whathever the sign says. I didn't understand anything, but that voice cames from everywhere. If i had covered my ears, sureley i can stell hear that deep gutural voice, that makes all my organs vibrate in a green-neon coulor. THAT'S IT, you've read well: vibrate in a god dam green-neon coulor. I can't understand what does the sign said, but i can feel it, and the sensation was a coulor. It was like felling a tickling wave , from head to toes, and feel my whole body distorted and static. That's how the green coulor feels.

I fell back and stayed staring at the sign post, wake up and step back, frightened and confused. So... i turn my head back, and, behind me, standing on two slim and gross legs, was a cockroach.

I saw it's legs, moving freneticley, and it's face, with that jaws opening and closing . The cockroach was very tall, like three meters. It walk, and hardly tried to talk, and sudently, there was three, four, ten, and then lots of them, some wearing human clothes, like hats, or shirts, some others, naked, doing their own lifes, and trying to imitate humans.

I tightly closed my eyes, and then, apeared on other different place. I turned up into a subway station. There was no one around, and all was dirty and broken. The arch like walls and the floor were upholstered with white mosaic. So, i walk to get out of there, but, at the bottom of the stairs, i watched a crimson liquid, going down in a fluent. Over the blood puddle, there was a newspaper, and the headline said:

Violent crime comited in the city

This morning, the body of two young girls were found. One was eight years old. She was found with eight stabs all over her body, and decapitated. The head remains missing. The other girl was two years old. Her body was found with numerous stabs all over her body and in her face. She needed to be ubicated by the dental register.

Aparentley, the two girls were homeless sisters. The smallest was using a desguise to fool any danger they can encounter. Authorities are still investigating.

I dunno how to react, or what to do, but i knew what happened... Look up, over the stairs, and there was they bodies. As the newspaper say, one of the bodies has no head. I feel dyzzed, and look to the blood puddle. There was the missing head. Worst of all? She was the girl i meet over the bridge at the begining of the dream.

You can call me the Thin Withe Duke, not the thin white duke, that's Bowie lol