Give Your Eyes a Break!(🎧)

Give Your Eyes a Break!(🎧)


Line Size Matters (Audio🎧)

As a professional editor, I've enjoyed reading and editing lots of Journaly posts over the past month. I've also received excellent feedback on my own posts, and I thank everyone who has taken the time to help me.

Also as an editor, I'd like to offer a suggestion that will help you in reading your own language, as well as (almost*) any foreign-language post you read on here. When you open Journaly, resize your window so that there are between 12 and 15 words per line. This has a lot of advantages. If the line is too wide, your eyes will have a hard time focusing on the text because it makes it difficult to gauge where the line starts and ends. Also, it can make it hard to find the beginning of the next line.

However, you should be careful not to make the page too narrow. If your eyes have to travel back too often, that'll break your reading rhythm. Short lines tend to make readers become stressed and speed up their reading to the point that they miss important words and information.

The thing is that your mind normally becomes energized when you jump to a new line, but if this happens too quickly or too often, you begin to lose focus... and maybe even interest. Let's face it - a big block of text can be daunting in any language.

So give your eyes a break - resize your windows or screens, and enjoy what you're reading!


*I won't pretend to know how this applies to languages such as Korean, Chinese, Japanese, etc. that don't have an actual alphabet. You may want to research those separately if you read them.