Nomadic weekend

Nomadic weekend


international relations

I have nomadic weekend. It was a bit interesting, so I decided to write some words about it.

Firstly, I watched a movie "Nomadland". This movie is about middle-aged women who lost her job because of closing the factory. In fact, the whole town become unemployed because it was so called "mono-town", so the factory was the only employer. Unfortunately, the whole town was abandoned. Woman lost her house as well and she needed to live in trailer. "I am not homeless, I am houseless" is a slogan of this movie. I strongly recommend to watch it.

Secondly, my elder daughter and I visited the nomadic museum (my wife and my younger daughter are too lazy, so they stayed at home). It's a very interesting place. In fact, we visited the house of Bolivian nomadic people - Aymars. They live in high mountains and grew quinoa. Guide told us about their daily life, culture and national cuisine. Their cuisine is very similar to Russian one, because they like to eat potatoes as well.

Finally, I would like to tell you a funny story, which I have heard there. Some years ago, the director of Moscow nomadic museum (his name is Kostya) visited Bolivia and he decided to buy armadillo's mummy. However, it was forbidden to export armadillo to other countries, even a mummy. Later, the Bolivian ambassador went to the opening of the Aymar's house to the museum in Moscow. Kostya told him that story and the ambassador said "OK, I will find you a mummy". He called to Moscow zoo and they answered "Yes, we have an aged amarillo. If it dies we will give it to you to make a mummy". The all staff of the museum have been looking forward to this death for six years (it's a joke, they wished nothing but good health to it).